
Golden12 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
Hi ya to all I have been busy and also not been well ... I am not good at all I can’t talk to anyone the community ... closed for business ? I am not receiving any support only treated differently I definitely no there is a bad atmosphere  from the community I don’t know what I have done... I get bad atmosphere when I am out I tend to only go out if I need to with my partner  or family ... I just have no clue why god it’s been like this for nearly a year  I dont like  tension I don’t think anyone does ...  if I don’t know ? does any of you feel or experience this what is it bullying... discrimation  racist well known people like doctors / nurses any kind of services in the community this is long and personal or am I making any sense... I will only know when I get a reply thanks for taking your time to read hopefully there is a reply soon.


  • RainbowJo
    RainbowJo Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    i dont know what to reply. i guess sometime for me it feels like everything is a fight. with my care agency. with my social worker. at the moment with the nurses as im in hospital. 

    i cant answer what it is for u but u r not alone in those feeling. 
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Hi @Golden12 and welcome to the Community.  I am sorry to hear that things are so difficult for you at the moment.  I am sorry that you have felt that there is nobody to speak to in the Community.  My name is Aileen and I am one of the team of Community Champions who welcome/guide people.  Later on at night the Community maybe a little quieter than in the daytime.  We all here to support and listen to each other.  Thank you for reaching out to the Community.  You are making a lot of sense and are not alone.  Please feel free to chat to us or ask us any questions.  Another member maybe able to help you or someone in the Scope Community Team.  All the best  @Ails:smile: