Tackling public transport as a wheelchair user



  • Northerndj
    Northerndj Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected
    I use buses but will never use a train as it a discrimination in any other EU country I can run on at any station with out a ramp, they keep hiding behind the Victorian buildings  why should I have to book help in advance. 
    Buses are ok i avoid taxis as the drivers are rude and the cars are not acsesable i have bought my own van  just so i can get out , but parking is a night mare and due to get worce 
  • dkb123
    dkb123 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 169 Empowering
    whether you are receiving any state benefits are not really the concern of the NHS ,they should not ask you and you are not required to tell them , If you need Hospital transport you should be provided with it , no matter your financial circumstances , if you are denied this service then that is the base for a complaint 
  • Northerndj
    Northerndj Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected
    One thing I have found is everything seems to eminate around London and assume if London has it the rest of the uk has well ...... No 
    Buses are old they have manual ramps with one space at the front but the uk is 20 years behind the EU now we could be leaving and this government that would prefer to see us in work houses then being aloud to live 
  • jbeesfan
    jbeesfan Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected
    Of course they’d rather see us back in work houses - my great granfather died in one in 1910 - this shows how we are going in a circle. A lot of people who are disabled are on government benefits - the pittance they give us to live off and will be reduced further if the Tories get another term. I dont use public transport, even though we have a bust stop at the top of the road and as I’m disabled and my husband is a pensioner. But we live in a community specifically accomodated for the elderly and infirm. The bus comes every twenty minutes or so by which time there are usually a dozen of walker and wheelchair uses. I cannot face the scrum and i’m 20 years older than most of these people. So we rely on taxis. My PIP doesnt cover our weekly taxi fares by a long way. And i cantsee them raising it significantly any time in the future. We have a community bus which takes mainly elderly residents free to Market Towns 30-40 miles away. You sure as hell cant bring your shopping home on that. Thank God we can afford to use Internet shopping
  • GeorgiaVine
    GeorgiaVine Online Community Member Posts: 24 Contributor
    Great read @shonalouise I have previously got a new wheelchair and I'm aware that I need to start using it more on public transport but I do have my worries, so thank you for this insightful post I will most certainly refer back to this when the time comes! 
  • dkb123
    dkb123 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 169 Empowering
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,735 Online Community Programme Lead
    Thanks @dkb123. Very interesting!

    Brilliant blog as always @shonalouise! :smile: