Mental health worker

charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 296 Empowering
This is complicated so I'll try to keep it as simple as I can. I suffer night terrors and my night and day are governed from medications and mental health which diabilitate me. I have numerous medications to help me get through the day but find it difficult to get help as I am house bound. This all stems from child abuse to an ex partner group raping me with his friends violence and attempted murder. I have self harm and past suicide attempts anxiety severed complexed ptsd and anxiety, agrophobia and many more mental illnesses.
I have been under the mental health team from the hospital and have just been introduced to a new mental health worker. I have trust issues and do not leave my home so first had to be introduced with my Cpn present who explained to her things would have to be done slowly as I have little trust. I have 2 weekly visits.
Last week I emailed my support worker the day before visit to confirm apt. Which she replied and confirmed. On the day I am waiting she is late so I message her. No reply. When I rang her office at Look Ahead her boss said she had rang an hr before to confirm she was with me. Which I obviously had proved she was lying her boss was not impressed. My mental health worker then called me to say she was waiting for half hr. When I told her I had rang her office and knew she was lying she quickly turned it around and said it was all her fault and was sorry. I put the phone down then rang her boss who was not impressed by my support workers actions and advised I could make an official complaint. I was to upset and flustered. I want to ring up tomorrow to change my support worker as all the trust will never be built with her action and lie of that day. Will I have to make a formal complaint to do this. 


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,721 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @charlie79. I remember your post from before about the support worker's first visit and I'm glad you gave her a try. I'm sorry it's not worked out for you.
    You can request a new support worker. I think the procedure on this may vary dependent upon the area, but if you give them a call, they can definitely steer you in the right direction. Just be aware that they do unfortunately have limited resources.
    Has your CPN given you any advice at all? I'm going to tag @MickConnon in as he might be better able to advise.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @charlie79, how are you doing at the moment? Just wanted to check in and see if you were okay :)