Reasonable Adjustments under the Equality Act 2010



  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,669 Online Community Programme Lead
    edited July 2019
    Hello @AnnetteTurbutt.
    Thank you for coming back to update us and I'm so sorry the meeting went badly, I can only imagine how frustrating and upsetting this has been for you both. 

    From what you've said, it does sound like they are trying to push her out. I presume she's not part of any union that might be able to advocate for her? 
    If not, I'd strongly suggest you get in touch with Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS) or ACAS as soon as possible and ask for their involvement. From experience, EASS are slightly better versed in disability employment but there's no harm in contacting them both.

    Really would like to know how this works out for you and for K. Please stay in touch and if you need any advice, we'll do what we can to help.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    They cannot issue a warning without completing a full investigation and then giving notice of a disciplinary hearing and giving a right to representation apart from all the other stuff. Find out if warning still stands if so appeal and also if it doesn't stand put in grievance 
    Contact acas for advice 
  • robt1066
    robt1066 Online Community Member Posts: 33 Contributor
    Agree 100% re advice given to contact EASS - they are excellent. Phone # is  0808 800 0082.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Morning @AnnetteTurbutt, I just wanted to check in to see how you and K were doing :)
  • AnnetteTurbutt
    AnnetteTurbutt Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

     Morning Chloe_Scope

    Thanks for the message. There has been nothing much to report at the moment. Kelly has been allowed to leave at 5:30pm on a couple of days this week, but on the other two days has had to stay until just after 6pm, due to sickness absence from other members of staff, including the woman that is now doing her job! 

    Her Consultant is preparing a letter for Kelly, outlining the details of her condition and how it affects her, and supporting her request for a shorter working week of two hours. Supposedly, everyone is getting a new contract of employment, so ACAS have suggested she waits until all the relevant new paperwork is to hand, and we will go from their. She is also awaiting a copy of the minutes of the meeting they had, which was promised within 14 days. so a few more days to go yet for that deadline.

    They retracted the disciplinary letter in the end, which if they had any sense, and had really taken any legal advice, as they said they had, would know that was completely out of line.

    I will be in touch when all the paperwork is with Kelly, but in the meantime, many thanks for your concern, it is appreciated.

  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @AnnetteTurbutt, that all sounds quite promising! I'm glad you've been able to get support from people and that the warning has been taken away. Like you said, it was completely out of line!