Housing benefits stopping when I got PIP

ste1965 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
edited July 2019 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi im new to this site and was wondering if something ive been told is correct.
I was awarded PIP standard care and standard mobility i was on housing benefit a few months ago but that stop when one off my daughters started work is it true that now i get PIP both my daughters are no longer classed as non dependants.
If its correct that i can reclaim housing benefit and get the last 3 months off any rent my daughter has paid from when my PIP started refunded, im new to PIP and not really sure what help i can claim,
                                                                                                                                  Kind Regards


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    What other benefits do you claim and do you live with a partner that works or do you work yourself?

    Your daughter starting work would not be the reason why your housing benefit stopped. It must have been another reason. Claiming PIP will mean you're no affected by any non dependent deductions.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    edited July 2019
    Hello @ste1965 and welcome to the community.

    The problem here is that as you’re not currently in receipt of housing benefit, they may not let you re-claim it, even if it was closed in error. This would mean you’d have to claim Universal Credit for help with housing costs. 

    Are you currently in receipt of any other benefits? 
  • ste1965
    ste1965 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    Hello everyone thanks for replying, i used to get housing benefit i dont work im a carer myself and get income support, i was awarded PIP 3 months ago  before my daughter started work i was getting housing benefit but her income stopped it and she has been living with me and paying the rent which makes me feel bad for her.
    I didnt know if i could apply and get housing benefit back dated from the time i was awarded PIP  as from the date i was awarded PIP she will no longer be classed as a non dependant  and this is a very recent PIP award so ive not sorted anything as of yet.
    I am single and my  2 daughters live at home with me but my other daughter is disabled and claims disability benefits.
    My daughter starting work is the reason my housing benefit stopped as she was earning to much but she has been very supportive and paid the rent on my house.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    I'm assuming that your housing benefit stopped before you were awarded PIP is that correct?

    If so then i'm afraid you won't be able to start a new claim for housing benefit because all areas are now a full universal credit area and you'll need to start a claim for this to receive any help with your rent.

    If you claim Universal Credit then your Income Support will stop and be transferred across to UC. Any tax credits you maybe receiving will also stop and transfer across to UC.
  • ste1965
    ste1965 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    yes thats correct poppy it stopped July 2018 does that mean even though my daughters are no long non dependants it will make no difference for any claim for housing help.
    And does that mean as soon as i apply for housing benefit and income support disability premium all my money will stop and i will be no better off, sorry im just a little confused.

  • ste1965
    ste1965 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    Ive tried the benefit calculators but they cant be right they keep telling me even though i get carers allowance and income support plus PIP and have no non dependents if i claim UC i will be £80 worse of a week and would have to pay full rent and council tax :(:( .
    Can someone please advise me where to go and get this sorted?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    A benefits calculator only works if you put in all the correct information.

    If you claim PIP daily living there is no non dependent deductions for the housing element of UC. Council tax reduction isn't part of UC and needs to be claimed separately.

    How much housing element you'll receive will depend on how many bedrooms you're entitled to and the local housing allowance rate for your area.

    For face to face advice this link will tell you what's available in your area. https://advicelocal.uk/

  • ste1965
    ste1965 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    Thank you so much poppy ive gone on another calculator on the link you shared with me and its saying this,
    (The information you have entered indicates that you are not eligible to apply for Universal Credit)
    Do you think that could be correct?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited July 2019
    No that can't be correct. The only thing that would stop you from claiming UC is if you are claiming the severe disability premium in with your Income Support. As you live with your adult daughters then you won't be eligible to claim this unless all those adults also claimed a qualifying benefit such as PIP daily living or DLA mid/high rate care.

    If they don't then you put your details into the benefit calculator incorrectly. A benefit calculator is only correct if you put all your details into it correctly.

    The only disability premium that you're most likely receiving is the one that's £34.35 per week and this one doesn't exclude you from claiming UC.

    Severe disability premium is £65.85 per week and it's this one that excludes you from claiming UC.
  • ste1965
    ste1965 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    See this is where im so lost poppy yes both my daughters get PIP enhanced rate for care so does this make a difference as to why i cant claim UC and if so what do i do? 
                                                                         Thank you
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    In a comment above you said this... "I am single and my  2 daughters live at home with me but my other daughter is disabled and claims disability benefits" but now you say both of them claim PIP Enhanced daily living, is that correct?

    If it is then please check your Income Support amount and see if it includes the £65.85 per week SDP. If it doesn't then you need to claim this first. By claiming this first you'll be able to claim housing benefit by contacting your local council to fill out the housing benefit form, tell them you claim the SDP and can't claim UC. It can be backdated for 3 months.
  • ste1965
    ste1965 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    Thank you poppy yes in sorry i said about the one daughter because she is the one not working and i claim carers for but my other daughter works and gets PIP too.
    I will look into what you have told me asap and im sorry my posts have been a bit confusing and i really appreciate your help.
  • pcoventry
    pcoventry Online Community Member Posts: 149 Empowering
    I think it stopped for the reasons stated - I am told on a near daily basis PIP is not relevant to UC and the elements that go in it so getting PIP won't be the reason that's for sure. - I've actually got £55 a month more as a result of getting PIP. 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @ste1965, I was just wondering if you've managed to resolve this at all?
  • ste1965
    ste1965 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    No not yet Adrian but i did find this on the calculator site it says Backdating Rules (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
    Housing Benefit can be backdated for up to one month if you would have been entitled to it earlier. You have to show a good reason for not claiming sooner. Request this when claiming. If you or your partner are at least Pension Credit age, and you are not getting Income Support or income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, your claim can be backdated for up to three months. It does not matter why your claim is late. Request this when claiming.
    Im 52 and im unsure if its saying i can not claim housing benefit from the time i was awarded PIP and SDP which was around 3 months ago.
    So can i get housing benefit back dated for 3 months i really do find these things hard to understand,
                                                                  Thank you
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    @ste1965 As you're under pension age then it can be backdated for 1 month, with good reason.

  • ste1965
    ste1965 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    Hi i asked for my housing benefit to be backdated got a letter yesterday stating i have not shown good reason for my housing benefit to be backdated.
    Not sure what else to do as i had no idea i would get PIP until the decision was through but going by the letter from housing benefit they are saying i should have known and thats why they wont backdate it.
    Any advice about this would be much appreciated, thank you.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    I think what they are saying is that your PIP was awarded 3 months ago and you should have claimed housing benefit when your PIP was awarded. In your circumstances the most they will backdate it is 1 month but you have to claim within a certain time and f you're outside that time you have to show good reason. The PIP award was in payment so you knew, which is why they are saying not knowing isn't a good enough reason.
  • ste1965
    ste1965 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    As soon as i got my PIP award i put my claim in for housing benefit as i couldnt claim before as i didnt no i would be awarded PIP.
    So i didnt know PIP was in payment until i got my award letter to say it was so do you think they are saying i should have know it was in payment even though i wasnt being paid until i got my award letter? Im confused poppy

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    What they have told you doesn't make sense because you couldn't claim before you were awarded PIP because you weren't entitled to it.

    If you claimed the housing benefit as soon as you were awarded PIP then it should be paid from the start of your PIP award. If you waited 3 months before claiming then it will only be backdated 1 month.

    I'd advise you to speak to a local advice agency near you.