No points awarded

debdeb13 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
Hi  I got no points on pip assessment I have asked for a mandory reconsideration  was just wondering  if Being  asked at assessment  do you use social media   I though assessment was about your illness


  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    Hi @debdeb13 PIP is all about how you function or don't function on a daily bases.

    A diagnosis of an illness is helpful, but it's how that illness or disability affects you daily.

    Social media is one they will ask amongst many other questions.

  • mossy
    mossy Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    They check to see what you're doing on it. A depressed woman got her DLA taken away because they searched her Facebook timeline and saw her smiling in a few photos, therefore she can't be depressed (dirtbags!). If you don't give them the info, some bodies still look up YouTube channels and try to explain their decision due to the videos. However, that's more private insurance firms and so on, but I wouldn't put it past the DWP. 

    What the DWP have done to me is record how long I was waiting on the phone, what the number was, and so on. This was due to a matter I had to contact my MP over.

    Funny, I have never been asked about social media and went to tribunal for PIP. Are they cherry picking their questions?

    Please take it to tribunal if you can. It costs the DWP so much for a stupid decision they made, and you get what you were supposed to have.

    Good luck!
  • debdeb13
    debdeb13 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Thanks for you advise  mossy  I have fibromyalgia  cervical spondlosis  and fluid on my spine  but because I went in room unaided  and they said I looked comfy   and showed no sign of pain   every thing she asked  I told truth  but because  I  didn't look in pain  I got no points on everything I'm also on a pain management programme aswell as a sleep one  it was also mentioned I don't take enough medication   I never no how I'm going to feel one day from the next 
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    @debdeb13, hello and welcome as you know fro when you applied for pip and filled in the application form the questions where asking about your abilities to preform activities known as the pip descriptors. At your assessment you will be assessed on the answers that you submitted in your application form irrespective of any illnesses, diagnosis or amounts of medications you are taking or prescribed. These are informative to the HP in  confirming your abilities in relation to the pip descriptors. Once you have had your assessment you can request a copy of your assessment and on receiving you can see what your award may should be but you still have to wait for your official award notification letter.  If you are not happy with the report you have several weeks to prepare for a MR giving examples of what happened the last and every time you tried the pip descriptor you are contesting.
  • debdeb13
    debdeb13 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Hi wilko  I have sent  for my assessment report  I spoke to someone on phone about certain questions and the answers I gave were completely  different to the ones the asseser wrote down 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Have you requested the MR over the phone or did you put the request in writing? If it was over the phone then you should follow it up in writing.

    You should avoid mentioning any lies or contradictions that were told in the report. DWP and the Tribunal won't be interested in any of those.

    You need to state where you think you should have scored those points and your reasons why. Adding 2-3 real life examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you.

    Most MR decisions remain the same so you'll very likely have to take it to Tribunal. Appearing in person will give you the best chance of a decision in your favour. Waiting times in most of the country are huge and some are waiting in excess of 1 year for a hearing date.
  • debdeb13
    debdeb13 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Hi poppy123456 thank you for information i have done mandory reconsideration  by phone and in writing  am await assesmet report  and will explain to them on form 
  • pcoventry
    pcoventry Online Community Member Posts: 149 Empowering
    debdeb13 said:
    Hi wilko  I have sent  for my assessment report  I spoke to someone on phone about certain questions and the answers I gave were completely  different to the ones the asseser wrote down 
    Hi Deb,

    Yes they are swines for that - half of the stuff in my F2f was missing in my report. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 584 Listener
    I really wanted to post what happened to me but I always end up ranting, so I'll just post the link the thread I made when I read my report..

  • pcoventry
    pcoventry Online Community Member Posts: 149 Empowering
    But surely if he gave you points for stuff you said you didn't need points for - then you got more? So why drop down a scale? I am on Enhanced Living and Standard Mobility and I didn't get pints in boxes I need them to be in! 
  • debdeb13
    debdeb13 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Hi wf2k  and P coventery  thank you for all information i have been reading up on alot of information and many people do not get mandory reconsideration  sucsess as they always go by assessed report  i will wait to see what happens when i get notice i dont think i have the willpower to appeal so i was told you can make a fresh caim 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    debdeb13 said:
    Hi wf2k  and P coventery  thank you for all information i have been reading up on alot of information and many people do not get mandory reconsideration  sucsess as they always go by assessed report  i will wait to see what happens when i get notice i dont think i have the willpower to appeal so i was told you can make a fresh caim 
    Most MR decisions remain the same. Re-applying using the same evidence you just used will very likely see another refusal, especially after only just being refused. To constantly re-apply isn't the answer.

    Taking it to Tribunal and appearing in person will give you the best chance of a decision in your favour. 74% of those that do are successful.
  • debdeb13
    debdeb13 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Hi poppy123456  I was told if you reapply they don't keep records of your failded assessment  and it classed as a new claim am I wrong on thinking that
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    I'm afraid you're wrong, they will definitely know you were previously refused. This is why to constantly re-apply isn't the answer.
  • debdeb13
    debdeb13 Online Community Member Posts: 46 Connected
    Poppy123456 thanks for information
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 584 Listener
    @pcoventry was that to me? :)