Anyone else got different aware amounts?

pcoventry Community member Posts: 149 Empowering

The website says enhanced living is £87.65 but I have been told I will get £85.60
The website says standard Mobility is £23.20 but I have been told I will get £22.65 

I accept it's only £2.55 a week less but I just wondered if there is a secret another level of PIP?

My report says 18 months but I got awarded till November 2021 so that's a bonus - not sure if I should kick off a fuss about this

Still waiting for the back pay but the breakdown comes up with a different amount.  I want to make sure all is right because if I do get the enhanced who's to say that won't be messed up too?



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing

    I've heard of a few people receiving their award letters with the wrong amounts on them and those that have, have received another letter a week later telling them the new rates of PIP. Those new rates are from 8th April 2019. If you don't receive another letter with the correct rates on then give them a ring to point this out. The money you receive will most likely be for the new rates though but do check.
  • pcoventry
    pcoventry Community member Posts: 149 Empowering
    edited July 2019
    I've got 14 weeks and a day's backpay - I worked this out to be £111.41 a week - £110.85 is the magic number I believe.

    I called today and the payment is back with them so it was being sent for faster payment but I will ring them tomorrow around 12 and I could mention it to them then, but might be better to wait for the letter like you said and see.

  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Community member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Why is £110.85 the magic number
  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    23.30 low mobility I just received mine in bank from April with inflation before was 22 something 
  • pcoventry
    pcoventry Community member Posts: 149 Empowering
    edited July 2019
    @Misscleo Well Enhanced living and Standard Mobility come to £110.85 according to the government website.. so that's why??  (£87.65 + £23.20?)
  • pcoventry
    pcoventry Community member Posts: 149 Empowering
    edited July 2019
    @sam12 I'm waiting to talk to them now as I have still not had my back payment and I am desperate (bank details wrong, had to wait for the payment to be returned first) - I will also ask them about this. 
  • pcoventry
    pcoventry Community member Posts: 149 Empowering
    edited July 2019
    @Hart86 yes you are correct - just been told. I will be ringing UC later to ask for a new coach. I have dealt with the old JC DA but she's gone now. Will have to see who it is now. I have basically 1 arm it shouldn't be rocket science to them lol 
  • pcoventry
    pcoventry Community member Posts: 149 Empowering
    I got the letter saying of the new amounts from 8th of April - is there usually any more payment? 

    Just curious 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Most likely not, the new rates would have been paid automatically from 8th April 2019.
  • pcoventry
    pcoventry Community member Posts: 149 Empowering
    fair enough - thanks. I didn't think so to be honest - although I am still short when I work it all out