List 5 things you are gratefu for /or have

Tammyjane33 Online Community Member Posts: 755 Pioneering
I'll start. I am grateful that I have an amazing partner and mum to help me when I'm in pain 
I am thankful that have a few good friends that are  always there when I need support. 
I'm am grateful /thankful that I have  a warm home to go to. Others don't have this and people take it for granted.
I'm proud that I have a good heart so I can help people any way I can. 


  • GalDriver
    GalDriver Online Community Member Posts: 65 Empowering
    1. My lovely partner, Bob, who coped with my diagnosis without missing a step and continues to support me as if it was just part of a normal life. No fuss. 2. My lovely niece, who's more like a daughter, and her 4 lovely kids. ALL WONDERFUL! 3. My irreverent sense of humour which always, thus far, seems to surface (eventually) however bad it gets. 4. My inner strength that I've discovered rises up inside in the darkest of dark moments. Who knew?! 5. Love. LOVE, in all it's forms. <3
  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering
    I am grateful for my son who is the braves man in my life so far. 
    I am grateful GOD for the strength he gave me to cope with the life for the last 7 years, for the  wisdom I am blessed with and for reviling my all my  talents and gifts to me. 
    I am grateful myself that I nerve give up. 
    I am grateful my best friends that they have patience to listen to me. 
    I am grateful my teachers that they taught me  how to live. 
    I am grateful my mum that she brought us all alone. 
    I am grateful all who step into my life so far. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    1 my son who saved my life and is my reason for being positive he inspires me how he has coped with his dad abandoning him and my disability and he is only 12
    2 my life after having sepsis leading to amputation
    3 my family who support me 
    4 my new bungalow which makes life so much easier
    5 my friends who have stuck by me 

  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    I am grateful for my Church who have supported me. 
    I am grateful for the Holy Spirit. 
    I am grateful for Netflix
    I am grateful for my husband
    I am thankful for a roof over my head

  • Tammyjane33
    Tammyjane33 Online Community Member Posts: 755 Pioneering
    Thankyou to everyone that has contributed above, all the things listed above are important ❤️
  • vikingqueen
    vikingqueen Scope Member Posts: 1,758 Championing
    My dad for the love he gave me                          My children for helping me through my illness.                       My grandchildren for the joy they give me.    My wonderful partner for always being by my side.                           For having a good life
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    This is a great thread, with some really lovely answers! :smile:
  • Tammyjane33
    Tammyjane33 Online Community Member Posts: 755 Pioneering
    Thankyou @Adrian_Scope