Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

As ever, please make sure that your comments remain respectful of other people's opinions and keep to our online community house rules.


GeorgieOg Community member Posts: 3 Listener
So before I had cancer I was as fit as a fiddle, an average day would entail an early morning gym session, a full day of helping others at work I worked along side the police in Domestic Abuse, then after work a  HIIT gym classes, I had three children as a single mom and had a healthy work/life balance.
2015 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I had three surgeries and radiotherapy, I then developed pneumonia, and have struggled to get back to me since. So recently was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and have lung issues, been referred to a respiratory consultant as I have had numerous chest infections that has impacted on my breathing. 
The issue that scares me is if I do too much, I literally crash, it feels like I am trying to cope with life through a vat of treacle, I can't even walk a set of stairs without stopping. I don't have the energy to talk even on the phone, I have to sit and watch uncomplicated films, TV shows. It comes over like a huge shroud and nothing except resting for a few days will help. 
The problem is that there is no one I can turn to to get advise, my GP service is so stretched and they seem to just send you away with antidepressants, I am not depressed, I get low yes because I am a quarter of the lady I used to be. But I am not getting any advice as how to manage my symptoms. The real me is a go getting, bubbly, full of fun lady, this is not in my mind this is my body letting me down.
Can anybody advise 


  • dolfrog
    dolfrog Community member Posts: 441 Pioneering
    Hi @GeorgieOg
    What you have described is an acquired disability, which can happen to anyone especially from mid life onwards. What you have described is similar to those who have a stroke, and from there on have various types of issues resulting from the stroke.
    This can include working memory issues due to the working memory overload causes by having to cope with the various issues you have described. Working memory is like the RAM of a computer, limited capacity, and it will crash if overloaded. if you have to develop and use coping strategies to do things you previously did automatically, this can overload your working memory. 
    you have described issues which could be part of Aphasia, having problems processing sound based language.
    Aphasia can be the result of brain injury, stroke, atrophy, etc. 
    I have auditory processing disorder, a genetic life long listening disability, which has similar issues to aphasia. 
  • woodbine
    woodbine Community member Posts: 12,010 Disability Gamechanger
    My honest advice would be to change doctors, ask around see who people might recommend, you deserve better treatment than you are being offered.
    2024 The year of the general election...the time for change is coming 💡

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,294 Scope online community team
    Welcome to the community @GeorgieOg. It sounds like you've been through the ringer lately. I would echo Woodbine's advice about trying to change your GP if you don't feel like your concerns are being addressed though.
    Community Manager
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,581 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @GeorgieOg and a warm welcome to the community. I'm sorry to hear that things really have no been easy for you recently! I hope you are able to get the support you need soon. If you need anything then please do let us know :)

  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,032 Disability Gamechanger
    Yes, to echo the others, I would say try a  different GP.
    Having been a fit, capable, rushing hither and thither busy mum, to what you now describe as only a percentage of the `real` you, is something I can identify with.

    Don`t give up...and I can almost hear you shouting back at me...`hell no!` Keep asking for help...why shouldnt you get it?. I am sure you have given your best and want to return to that place.

    Best wishes.
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