ESA Tribunal

Jokeysmurf40 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi< I hope anyone could give me any advice on taking the ESA to tribunal, it has been adjourned once as dwp never sent me same report as the court. Mine is a face to face appeal, the assessment done by the DWP was factually incorrect and they stopped my benefit, without warning. I have got together as much evidence as I can, but need any help and advice on what to do once i'm in there. Im very anxious about the process and completely broke done when they adjourned the last one,and to be honest not coping with this whole process. so any help would be appreciated.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,134 Championing
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Jokeysmurf40 and a warm welcome to the community! I hope the link @poppy123456 has provided will help!
  • dragonaire
    dragonaire Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Ive just had my ESA Tribunal hearing this week & won from  zero points to 15 points. I couldn't have done it on my own  seek legal advice  I went to our local law centre & had a solicitor  help. I was petrified but really didn't have anything to fear.  No one from the DWP turn up to a tribunal hearing. I had  just the judge  & a doctor.  they wasn't pushy  if I didn't  understand anything I only had to say  They decide there & then  I found them to be very fair & understanding  infact I wish the doctor that was there was my own  because he knew & understood  what I have been through  I wont go into detail be strong & don't give up  it was on the news the other day  a minister was questioning why  so many cases go to appeal & said  64% of all appeals are successful
  • jaja
    jaja Online Community Member Posts: 76 Empowering

    You are already doing great things to prepare for the tribunal. From what I understand lots of people are being turned down.

    I would suggest taking someone with you if possible and maybe considering reaching out to CAB or another advice agency. I know that sometimes you can be allocated a person to attend the tribunal with you. @dragonaire said a law centre helped her so that might be an option if you have one near you.

    @dragonaire I'm glad you had a positive experience. That is excellent.

    Take care
  • dragonaire
    dragonaire Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    you  have every right to have someone  with you   they call them allocated representative. Tribunal hearings  for DWP are taking ages, its took me 18 months from when I appealed & started to take them to tribunal  overall its taken 2 years  from when I appealed their  first decission  to get a court hearing date  a word of warning  they don't give you much notice of the date  I got 2 weeks notice  btw im male @Jokeysmurf40  lol
  • jaja
    jaja Online Community Member Posts: 76 Empowering
    Sorry @dragonaire