Enhanced rate care pip pension credits

juneandlucy Community member Posts: 16 Listener
Hi all, I've just been told on the phone I've been awarded enhanced care component. I've a few questions.

1. As I'm over 65 does that mean my award is 10years as I heard this may be the case but the exact details people are unsure of.

2. I currently get a bit extra pension credits for low mobility DLA as I'm moving now to pip enhanced care do I still get this and if so will it be the same more or less.

3. My son has schizophrenia and lives with me im receiving 32 PW in pension credits for him does affect anything.

Thanks in advance


  • juneandlucy
    juneandlucy Community member Posts: 16 Listener
    I rang a few places and they seem unsure too
  • juneandlucy
    juneandlucy Community member Posts: 16 Listener
    It's all very confusing and the pip people weren't helpful on phone
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing

    Was this a change from DLA ?

    There are two elements to PIP, you have been told that you are to get the enhanced daily care but have you been given the mobility element as well ?
    Once you reach SRA, the mobility award you have ( if any ) cannot be increased in the future.

    The length of your award will be on the decision letter
  • juneandlucy
    juneandlucy Community member Posts: 16 Listener
    It was a transfer from DLA I was on low mobility. I got zero points mobility but 15 care. This is despite getting taxis everywhere.

    I don't want to appeal incase I lose points. As I wasn't expecting to get exhanced care.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    If you accept the decision not to award you the mobility element then you cannot receive it in the future even if your needs change.
    You should seek trained advice from an agency near you, CAB, Wellfare rights, Age UK etc
  • juneandlucy
    juneandlucy Community member Posts: 16 Listener
    Will do thank you