Pip tribunal. How do I prove assessor lied

jaqisitt Community member Posts: 22 Connected
I have my pip tribunal tomorrow. I have Parkinson's and lost most of my pip. Have waited 13 months for a tribunal. When I was assessed, they abandoned the physical assessment after the first exercise where she asked me to reach around my back as she could see my movement is very restricted and painful. In the report apparently I passed the whole remit of physical assessments with flying colours including touching my toes which I couldn't do before Parkinson's. I lost points repeatedly because my grip and pinch strength were normal and yet these were never tested. The assessor said she would recommend enhanced for both. I went down to standard for daily component and lost all my mobility points. My whole appeal is based on these lies. What can I do to prove the tests were not done. They either believe me or her.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing

    It's not about proving they lied in the report or whether or not they didn't do what was said. The Tribunal won't appreciate you mentioning any lies that may have been told in the report.

    It's about proving you qualify. Just be honest when answering those questions. You may not have a decision tomorrow, if this happens it doesn't mean you haven't been successful. They will write to you with a decision within a couple of days.

    Good luck!

  • jaqisitt
    jaqisitt Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    Thank you. I am going to have to refer to the list of physical tests and explain that they didn't take place at some point but won't accuse anyone of lying . I am absolutely dreading it
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    They won't be interested with happened during the assessment, they will only be interested in how your conditions affect you.
  • jaqisitt
    jaqisitt Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    Thank you. That helps
  • jaqisitt
    jaqisitt Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    Feel a little less terrified. Hopefully I can explain how my condition affects me coherently. It's been a year of stress and financial hardship. I feel almost beaten by it 
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,865 Championing
    Be honest. Give examples. Tell them exactly how much your impairments affects you. For example if you have mobility issues explain what happens when you are walking. When I went to a tribunal, I provided them with far too information.  
    Use the boxes on the form as well. Supply evidence. Remember they only want to know about your limitations and issues. When I started talking, I made sure to tell them what day to day life was like for us. Forget about the unwanted outcome of your assessment. Concentrate on what they want to hear. Stay calm. Be prepared for any questions. 
    Good luck! 
  • pcoventry
    pcoventry Community member Posts: 149 Empowering
    If you suss this one out sell the advice make a packet - We'd all love to know how you did that. 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,586 Online Community Programme Lead
    Best of luck today @jaqisitt. Please let us know how you get on. :)