Husbands savings

Mika Community member Posts: 9 Connected
Hi everyone, I am a newbie who signed up to offer help and advice to others :) .However, I am having major worries and making myself  even more ill than normal. I claim PIP and ESA. My concern is I was left some money a last year of which I placed in an ISA. Is this classed as savings??? Also my husband who works, also has his own ISA, will his savings affect MY benefits. If so, I have absolutely no idea what to do. We have never had enough to live on and scrimp a lot, but with me not having a pension due I thought an ISA would be safe. Pleeeeeease help me so I can sleep at night. Many thanks for reading xx


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    Yes money in an ISA is classed as savings and will affect any means tested benefits you claim if you have more than £6,000 in total this will affect your means tested benefits £1 for every £250 over that amount. Savings of more than £16,000 then you won't be entitled to any means tested benefits.

    PIP isn't means tested so that won't be affected. ESA can be means tested but it depends whether you're claiming Contributions based or Income Related. Contributions based isn't means tested but Income Related is.

    As you're husbands works, then depending on how many hours per week he works then it's more than likely you're claiming Contributions based ESA. Your award letter will tell you which one you're claiming.

    Were you working at all before you claimed ESA?

    Or if you're unsure still which one you're claiming the ring ESA and they will tell you.
  • Mika
    Mika Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    Hi there, thank you sooooo much for your reply. I am more than sure its contribution based. Will this mean we are ok for an ISA. Your time and advise has been gratefully appreciated xx

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    You're welcome. Yes, i'm almost certain it's contributions based too because your husband works. Contributions based isn't means tested and savings/capital and your husband working doesn't affect any of this.
  • Mika
    Mika Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    Ohhhhh Poppy , I have just double checked and yes deffo contribution based. So provided I don't have 16k in our bank, we can save to put in the ISA for our retirement??? May I ask how you found this info out as I have searched everywhere, and cant ring for any advise as I have speech issues from my strokes, so google has had to be my friend lol. Thank you, thank you THANK YOUUUUUU xxx
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    You're very welcome.

    With Contributions based benefits you can have as much savings as you want to and it doesn't affect your benefits at all. So, save as much as you want. This has always been the rules. Read this link and scroll down to Contributions based ESA (New style ESA is the same) and it says.... Your (or your partner’s) income and savings will not affect how much contribution-based ESA you’re paid.

  • Mika
    Mika Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    Heyyyyyy P, thanks so much again, I have read and read and reread everything there, but......I don't understand the benefit amounts they are stating so cant really work it out in my mind. Since my strokes I feel a bit pickled and don't always understand things, please forgive my stupidity (bet you wish you hadn't replied now lol). Yes I am contribution based ESA and in the support group. Yes I get full PIP. No I don't get free dental treatment. No I cant figure out the payments they are stating (to what I actually get), and yes, because of this confusion I still cant believe that I can save (only small amounts mind you) without being penalised. Do you think I am causing myself stress now? x
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    No worries lol.

    You don't need to look at the payments in the link. You just needed to look at what's written about Contributions based ESA. I think you're confusing yourself but please don't worry, it's what i'm here for.

    As a community champion here on scope, i'm not an expert but advise a lot of people since i've been here.

    I can assure you that Contributions based ESA is 100% definitely not means tested and savings (any amount) capital and your husband working doesn't affect the amount of ESA you're entitled to.

    PIP isn't affected by any savings either because it's not means tested.

  • Mika
    Mika Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    Where would I be without your help my sweet. I feel absolutely blessed to have received help, advice and assurance from a superstar champion like you. Sending you humungous hugs n cuddles for everything. Who knows, maybe I can help you in some way in the future. :) xxxx Thank you xxxx  
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Awww thank you so much for such lovely kind words. You have actually made my day, no, infact you made my week!!

    You are certainly most welcome hun. I'm always here somewhere helping someone. If i can be of any further help please do just ask. Hugs back to you too!! Sleep well, now you know your savings don't count.

    Most of all, take care!! xxx
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
    That's great that you have managed to sort this @Mika!

    Thank you, as always, @poppy123456 for your amazing advice on the community. We all really appreciate the time you take to give this advice and help so many people :)
  • Mika
    Mika Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    Thanks Chloe. You sure have a fabulous member in Poppy. She has literally saved me from so many sleepless nights and a mountain of stress. Amazing group support xxx
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    @Chloe_Scope you're very welcome, as always it's my pleasure! Thank you too for those kinds words.