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What music makes you relaxed?

Tammyjane33 Community member Posts: 765 Pioneering
I love any music at the moment its jessie j or any 80s tunes 


  • M_Anthony
    M_Anthony Community member, Scope Volunteer Posts: 309 Pioneering
    I like 80s tunes, I also relax to 80s style synthesizer music by a YouTube channel called NewRetroWave.

    Here are some links to what I am listening to right now on their YouTube site:
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,298 Scope online community team
    I mostly use suggested Spotify reading, concentration and relaxation playlists. I never remember to check who the artists are, but they always fit the bill. :smile:
    Community Manager
  • M_Anthony
    M_Anthony Community member, Scope Volunteer Posts: 309 Pioneering

    I was thinking about getting Spotify or Amazon Music Unlimited, not sure which one yet. Do you have any experience of using Amazon Music as well?
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,298 Scope online community team
    I'm afraid not. I have it downloaded and have Prime too, but I find Spotify's so simple to use that it's my go-to.
    Community Manager
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Community member Posts: 2,904 Disability Gamechanger
    I used amazon for a while but gave it up to save money. I mainly use Google play music free. I make up playbills from music I have bought or saved over the years. I like listening to female artists on playlists sometimes. I choose motivating but relaxing music. I like lots of other relaxing music including meditation as long as they don't talk. I like white noise. It clears my mind at times. I like binaural beats you can find it on YouTube there are many variations for healing your whole self. 
  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Courageous
    edited August 2019
    Led Zeppelin.The Smiths....many and varied...and there are quite a few relaxing songs within the brief aforementioned !

    Violin and piano are very relaxing!
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Community member Posts: 1,446 Disability Gamechanger
    I dont listen much to music at all really, not really into it. When I do it tends to be country or folk, but not too much of anything for too long. So traditional Scottish or Irish stuff, in my blood I suppose as my roots go back into both countries. My surnames Scottish. Just discovered Calum Stewart, Tales from the North. If you're into folk music have a listen. 
  • newborn
    newborn Community member Posts: 832 Pioneering
    Anything imposed is not welcome, even if it would be something  you quite like.

    Natural  birdsong in a wood at dawn is said to be the most soothing and pleasing sound. If silence is not an option  it seems to please everyone and to upset nobody, so if I could I would swap it for any of the horrid amplified din from buskers, and in shops and cafes and elsewhere. 
  • AlisonNetty
    AlisonNetty Community member Posts: 192 Pioneering
    I love 60's music.. but I do love other music.
    Music helps me go out as I have bad anxiety... I use my earphones and listen to music while I'm out. 
    Others I'll never leave the house...
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    I listen to lots of different types of music it depends what mood I am in but I find celtic rock music makes me feel happy.
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,032 Disability Gamechanger
    I watched and listened to Jimmy Ruffin on You Tube yesterday....saw him at Batley variety Club in the early 70s.....loved him.....`Ive Passed This Way before`.....`What Becomes of the Broken Hearted`......`Farewell`... why do I cry?

    Guess I have good memories of that era.
  • MaxB
    MaxB Community member Posts: 30 Courageous
    Music is my passion...I love obscure 50s and 60s music, blues, jump blues, american rock n roll, oh the list is endless...I can usually always be found wearing my earphones and listening to my mp3 player..
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