Change in criteria when assessing?

madquasimodo Online Community Member Posts: 140 Empowering
edited August 2019 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Just had some paperwork back from the courts for the Tribunal, reading through the Decision Makers notes, he said, "Stated some issues not covered by assessment criteria including use of public transport, uneven surfaces and stairs or steps"

My partner has an issue with moving objects/lights which can set-off vertigo/dizziness to the point of making her sick, its a balance thing so she gets sort of seasick. due to the said balance issue she has severe problems walking now, uneven pavements, steps or bumps most people can cope with will send her flying.

Walking safely or using stairs/steps are no longer part of getting around???? has anyone else seen this new change or is it something I have missed from before.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    The "moving around" part of mobility PIP has never included uneven surfaces, or steps. It's always been level ground, outside but pavements are included in this. See link and scroll down to activity 12 "moving around"

  • madquasimodo
    madquasimodo Online Community Member Posts: 140 Empowering
    Thanks poppy123456, I see where you linked and this was brought up during both assessments and during the previous Tribunal, 

    Activity 11
    "Regarding falls, consideration must be given to how the risk of falling manifests itself. Ordinarily the risk to a claimant’s safety arising from a physical inability to move safely would be applicable under activity 12. However, where the fall arises as a result of a sensory or cognitive impairment (for example, seizures associated with loss of consciousness) the risk of the fall to a claimant’s safety would be applicable under activity 11."

    Activity 12
    When assessing whether the activity can be carried out reliably, consideration should be given to the manner in which the activity is completed. This includes, but is not limited to, the claimant’s gait, their speed, the risk of falls and symptoms or side effects that could affect their ability to complete the activity, such as pain, breathlessness and fatigue. However, for this activity, this only refers to the physical act of moving. For example, danger awareness is considered as part of activity 11."

    All very confusing, my partner cannot stand at all without holding on to an aid, (person or walking frame" she cannot walk outside without severe risk of falling over, (she did outside the post office when I posted the forms off, she "had to" to see it went off (very stubborn)

    They seem to point to each other, when I said getting around I referred to a person getting around not the descriptor, but your information helps a bit, my partner currently is classed as fit and able and can walk 200 metres un-aided according to the assessment report, even though her consultant is referring to a London specialist as he can offer not help. 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    If she's claiming for a physical condition as in she's unable to walk a certain distance then this is covered under activity 12, not activity 11.