Soon to be living living parents and no friends.


The title is not to serve as a form of pity...The title is 1005 accurate. It just is what it is..!

I wasnt diagnosed with Autism until this year...just before my 51st Birthday in july.

Its up and down roller coaster at the moment...but the diagnosis explains so much for me!..but equally...i not sure how to take the fact i'll always have Autism...i was sure one day i'd breakthrough whatever it was that i had(pre diagnosis)   my entire life , i had this notion..Obviously less so as a child...but even then i knew i was different.

The question of assistance i'm looking for is the sheer fact ,i have no one who can help me..My ex partner..though supportive to a degree...Shes allowing me to reside in the living room until i find a bungalow through the council..

Other than this..ive had quite the bad time with CAB locally....2 months passed and i still wasnt given the advice i needed And when i went there and met 2 advisers who were going to help me fill in the uc50 for my new UC application as im unable to work due to the Autism sensory issues...Fibro/cfs , trigeminal Neuralgia, occipital neuralgia..right shoulder decompression issues since op in 2014 bone spurs removed. rotator cuff and torn tendons reattached with titanium screw anchor..Vertigo/Labrinythitus. Asthma peak flow of 200 height 6ft age 51   it should be around 500-600/.recently had spiro test, after 20mins on the nebulizer , the bar moved basically my lungs couldnt take in the medicine..pretty this explains the breathing issues whilst attempting to move..along with all the other nonsense i have going on within my body.

Im sure ive left out something but you get the picture....oh right fused wrist since 1986.!

So with all this above...a lovely lady at Luton council has accepted my application ,and they will be providing me a cooker,washing machine and removals van...that last one surprised me!..

But , i still cannot secure help with the 1st months rent when i finally find a place..

I'm on £470 a month and give £200 towards the rent to ex partner and housing costs and food etc,,,Not sure how i can save anything of any measure from that amount of would take me a year? to get anywhere close to £400..

Any ideas? pointers?

Thanks in advance.


  • jaja
    jaja Online Community Member Posts: 76 Empowering
    Hello @Hartley

    Thanks for posting.

    I'm sorry you are having hard time at the moment.

    In terms of practical advice I would suggest contacting Shelter. They offer housing advice and may know of a way forward with regard to the first months rent. Am I right in assuming this first months rent is a deposit or you have to pay it to be able to rent the property?

    You might also consider talking to the council. Explain your situation. I am sure they have experience of this situation and may offer a way forward.

    I would suggest checking you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to. You can do this online or seek advise from an agency in your area.

    If you need support to care for yourself you can have an assessment for carers.

    I'm sure there will be lots of others along soon with great advice.

    Take care.

  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    Welcome to Scope!
    Take a look at for more information and ideas.
    Also read this useful post on money management Is there anyone who can help you sort out your finances or not? Talk to your bank. They can help. Do you budget? 
  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    I would also recommend applying for a Social Worker. You can do this by asking your GP to refer you for one. Adult Social Services seem to be very busy most times, but they will assess your immediate needs and help you to receive your legal requirements as best that they can. 

    In terms of your moving, you may be eligible for a Crisis Payment to help you with moving and also help with your first months rent. Your Universal Credit worker will advise you with this if you ask... and if you're offered Social Housing from your local Council, they will assess your finances and award you with Housing Benefit which should pay most (but not all) of your rent, if you're eligible, and you sound to me that you probably are. 

    It's easy for me to say this, but 'please' try not to worry too much or get yourself stressed, as there truly are people & places that will help you with this, and Social Services are probably your best first move, as NOBODY can expect you to do everything for yourself in terms of moving on.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,270 Championing
    There's no such thing now as a crisis payment or crisis loan. I see you're claiming UC and receiving £470 per month, this is more than the monthly standard allowance for a single person. Are you receiving help towards rent costs in with the payment?

    If you've been claiming UC for at least 6 months then you can apply for a budgeting advance for help with your rent. This must be repaid back from future UC payments and if you're a single person the most you can claim is £348. See link.

    There's also the rent deposit scheme, for this you'll need to speak to your local council. Some landlords also accept a rent guarantee scheme (or bond scheme)it's a written guarantee given to a landlord. Detail for both are here.

    You won't be able to claim housing benefit because you're claiming UC but you can claim for help with your housing costs through this. To know how much you're entitled to then put a postcode of the area into this link, it will tell you what you could receive. you'll receive the 1 bedroom rate, if you'll be living alone.

    Good luck.

  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor
    jaja said:
    Hello @Hartley

    Thanks for posting.

    I'm sorry you are having hard time at the moment.

    In terms of practical advice I would suggest contacting Shelter. They offer housing advice and may know of a way forward with regard to the first months rent. Am I right in assuming this first months rent is a deposit or you have to pay it to be able to rent the property?

    You might also consider talking to the council. Explain your situation. I am sure they have experience of this situation and may offer a way forward.

    I would suggest checking you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to. You can do this online or seek advise from an agency in your area.

    If you need support to care for yourself you can have an assessment for carers.

    I'm sure there will be lots of others along soon with great advice.

    Take care.

    Yes!...its for the deposit...sorry,should have mentioned.
  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor
    There's no such thing now as a crisis payment or crisis loan. I see you're claiming UC and receiving £470 per month, this is more than the monthly standard allowance for a single person. Are you receiving help towards rent costs in with the payment?

    If you've been claiming UC for at least 6 months then you can apply for a budgeting advance for help with your rent. This must be repaid back from future UC payments and if you're a single person the most you can claim is £348. See link.

    There's also the rent deposit scheme, for this you'll need to speak to your local council. Some landlords also accept a rent guarantee scheme (or bond scheme)it's a written guarantee given to a landlord. Detail for both are here.

    You won't be able to claim housing benefit because you're claiming UC but you can claim for help with your housing costs through this. To know how much you're entitled to then put a postcode of the area into this link, it will tell you what you could receive. you'll receive the 1 bedroom rate, if you'll be living alone.

    Good luck.

    There's no such thing now as a crisis payment or crisis loan. I see you're claiming UC and receiving £470 per month, this is more than the monthly standard allowance for a single person. Are you receiving help towards rent costs in with the payment?

    If you've been claiming UC for at least 6 months then you can apply for a budgeting advance for help with your rent. This must be repaid back from future UC payments and if you're a single person the most you can claim is £348. See link.

    There's also the rent deposit scheme, for this you'll need to speak to your local council. Some landlords also accept a rent guarantee scheme (or bond scheme)it's a written guarantee given to a landlord. Detail for both are here.

    You won't be able to claim housing benefit because you're claiming UC but you can claim for help with your housing costs through this. To know how much you're entitled to then put a postcode of the area into this link, it will tell you what you could receive. you'll receive the 1 bedroom rate, if you'll be living alone.

    Good luck.

    Its more due to be a carer for my Son.
  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor
    Welcome to Scope!
    Take a look at for more information and ideas.
    Also read this useful post on money management Is there anyone who can help you sort out your finances or not? Talk to your bank. They can help. Do you budget? 
    As i living relatives...i was thrown out at 16 and havent seen my parents since...especially my father who died 4 yrs ago.,..No friends due to the literally no one.
  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor

    No to disagree with you,but someone else said i wouldnt receive housing benefit due to being on UC.
  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor
    Right, i'll try and get my fingers and brain working....i meant to type...its due ,to being a carer for my son.

    He is 18yrs old..Autism, vacant seizures on a daily basis and Epilespy..nighttime(was literally told by the Russian Neurologist Bedford hospital "due to it being a nighttime event...he could die"  True facts...but very blunt and said in full view of my son....I didnt know at the time that you can get a hospital passport for Autism..though im not sure he'd like a tanyard round his neck with a description of his condition...its so nurses,Drs can realise who they are dealing this..

    I'd like to think she would have been more tactful.
    Anyway...thats why i get carers....he cannot be left alone ever...
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,270 Championing
    You can’t claiming housing benefit because you’re claiming UC but you can claim the housing element in with your UC payment. Check the link above to see how much you can claim for your area.

    As you’re claiming the carers element, once you’ve had the work capability assessment decision, if you’re given LCWRA you’ll receive extra money per month but you won’t be able to claim the LCWRA and the carers element at the same time. It will be the higher amount you’ll receive, which will be LCWRA £336 per month. 
  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor

    Where did you get the information regarding not being able to get carers? if i go on LCWRA?

  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor

    To receive the carers allowance i receive(i spoke to the dwp directly,they stated even people on PIPS receive carers that are looking after others)though i know thats different to UC.
    I at the very minimum have to be with my son 35hrs a week..night/day both or either..any 35hrs.

    With my limited issues..all i have to do is be there with him and alert should anything occur...even 3+nights fits the requirement...

    Looking after him isnt taxing physcially as all his meals are prepared and i look after him in a 6hr window

    Do you know why carers isnt given when on LCWRA?
  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor

    I'd be surprised(though in truth,anything the government does doesnt suprise me these days) if i was placed on LCWRA
    As i cannot function...

    Unless they brought someone to my home and asked me to do exactly what i do for my son...what employer will employ me..if i have to sit down or lay down through out the day?....stand at most for 10 mins if that....

    I'll have to see what happens..but my question was....the rent!
  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor
    Youve triggered my brain( ie youve highlighted things i knew nothing about) 

    So, if someone gets carers allowance ,do they have to seek work?.....should i not have applied for the assessment? capability of work?...
    As it seems i'll be nearly £100 worse off for possibly ending up being on the LCWRA!

    If thats the correct conclusion...then should i retract the work capability test?  i was being honest and laying ALL my cards on the my limitations...and how looking after my son for 35hrs....most of this time is swallowed up in the i sleep little and i was the one who alerted to his first night seizures..

    I sense i may have lost myself £100 a month!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,270 Championing
    See link regarding LCWRA and carers allowance isn't paid together.
    You can claim carers allowance but it's deducted £1 for £1 from your UC amount but the carers element will be removed.

    Once the decision's been made on the work capability assessment if you're given LCWRA then you will be £176 per month better off, so it's worth continuing with the claim, if you have a limited capability for work. Even though you can't receive this element and the carers element together, the higher element will be paid.

    You can claim carers allowance but it's deducted £1 for £1 from your UC amount but the carers element will be removed.

    Also when you move house, will you still be able to look after your son if he's not living with you?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,270 Championing
    Your rent will be paid through UC as the housing element, which will be extra in your monthly payment. How much you're entitled to will depend on the local housing allowance for the area you're planning on living.

    As advised, use this link and put the postcode in of the area you're thinking of, for a 1 bedroom allowance, if you'll be living alone. It will then tell you how much you'll receive. It's worked out as a weekly payment so you'll need to work it out as a monthly payment because UC is paid monthly.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited August 2019
    Hello @Hartley.   Thank you for your post.   Sorry to hear about  everything.

    Have you contacted The National Autistic Society.?

    Helpline 020 7833 2299

    Monday to Thursday 10.00am to 4pm.
    Friday 9am to 3pm.


    Could offer support, advice and information on your situation.

    Shelter line

    0808 800 4444.

    Hope the information every one has provided helps you.

    Please if we can help with anything please ask. Your not alone.  We are here to be supportive, ready to listen.

    Please keep in touch.

    Please take care.


  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor
    How on earth do you know so much? ???

    I think i'm upto speed now...thanks very much for all your spot on info..
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,270 Championing
    Hartley said:
    How on earth do you know so much? ???

    I think i'm upto speed now...thanks very much for all your spot on info..
    You're welcome. Research and lots of advising on here :D good luck with the house hunting!
  • Hartley
    Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor

    Many thanks for all those pointers..

    Ive got to call Bedford Adult autism group.

    I'll try the London 020 number.....ive got so much to process...but like a bite at a time ?

    I had heard of Scope.but by chance came across the site some days ago after a google search.
    Its already been invaluable!..
    Lots of support...makes me feel less alone.

    Thanks for all your help.