Pip assessment

gill51 Community member Posts: 17 Listener
Just had my pip home assessment. Took 35 minutes. Wasn't asked much at all about the form I had already filled in and the answers I had already given. Was asked if I used an aid to get in shower or bath on which I replied no and if I struggled to walk which I also replied no. My illnesses are spondylosis in my neck.  Osteoarthritis in shoulder, fingers and wrist. Clinical depression and anxiety. Trigger thumb. Fibromyalgia. 
Medication is amitriptyline, diclofenac  codine, duluxoteine, omeprazale, paracetamol.  Steroide injections every 4 month. Physio. On sick from work as cannot do my job due to my condition/pain. 
Had all my medication and prescription list on table for assessor but she said she didn't need to see them as they were already on my form I sent in. She did put that I had had a recent cortisone injection and put on a new medication. Diclofenac. She asked if I drove. I answered no and also asked if I had any interest or hobbies which I also replied no. She said this would be down to my condition that I wasn't bothered about doing things or have any interest in things. I sat on settee and didn't move wasn't asked to do any physical things or anything. She typed things on her laptop and said everything was quiet straight forward and she would send her assessment off later today. She also told me she would see herself out and for me to stay were I was . Should I have not been asked questions regarding anything I had put on my form when I first applied??


  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
    Hi @gill51, the length of the assessment can vary and sometimes they can have all the information they already need from the form. I hope you found it okay.

    In about a week you will be able to ring up and request a copy of the report if you'd like to see what has been written. This will also allow you to see the recommendations which is an indicator of the award you will receive. :) 
  • gill51
    gill51 Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    Thank you Chloe.  I've never had one before as first time I have applied and I have read so many stories about pip assessments.. I was expecting all sorts of questions and being asked to do all different things regarding to my condition/illness. I was led to believe that you have a f2f because they didn't believe what was answered in the form that was sent in.
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
    Hi @gill51, that's not a problem! Unfortunately, you are more likely to hear about the bad stories. There are many people who have no issues claiming PIP and don't find the assessment too bad. This all can depend on the assessor. I hope you get the award you deserve :)
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,016 Championing
    Hi, I know we hear some horrendous stories about  PIP outcomes, but having a f2f, I believe is for them to confirm your answers in the form...not because they dont believe us.

    I am awaiting a response from my recent claim. Horrible stressful time.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,827 Championing

    The face to face assessment isn't because they don't believe what's been written in the form. It's because they don't have enough of information to a paper based assessment.
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,016 Championing
    Yes, that`s made it clearer. Thankyou x
  • gill51
    gill51 Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    The asessor was a women she seemed really nice.  She didn't ask me anything regarding my form on anything I had said I couldn't do and why I couldn't do it. But on the things I said I could do she asked if I had to use aids or have assistance doing them which I didn't have to have aids or assistance
  • JulieTuesday
    JulieTuesday Community member Posts: 51 Connected
    Hi, I just had my F2F at home and I was terrified, but the lady who came was very nice and typed away as we chatted. She asked me to walk about a bit and tested my upper body strength but all very basic stuff. I failed to ask her anything at the end as she invited questions but I couldn't say anymore, it lasted 1 and half hours.  I did ask if I'm not successful what happens and she said about an appeal but she did say wait for your letter that will come between 5 to 6 weeks time first before worrying about doing anything else? I think I may have failed on my mobility as I walked about Ok and without my stick as were indoors, I only use outside. Indoors I grab furniture! She noted my glasses were bifocal and said but they will affect how you walk won't they? I said no they don't I'm used to them.  So although a lovely smiling lady she seemed to be on the lookout for any loophole going to excuse a point or two!
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Community member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    @JulieTuesday It sounds like you was treated okay? But she may have be known as a "smiling assassin" give it till next week and phone the DWP for a copy of the assessment.

    Ask them for the form called PA4 which will give you an indicator how you was scored. 
    Good luck.
  • JulieTuesday
    JulieTuesday Community member Posts: 51 Connected
    Thank you I will! I have read about getting a copy of the assessment before but not the name of the form.  I never asked for this pip thing as I had been awarded indefinite DLA, it's not my fault they changed the law. The whole thing was demeaning and made me feel embarrassed. Not at one point did I feel comfortable in my own home. She was a very young girl and I got asked what do I do all day long? because I'm not quick enough I should have said when you get to almost 70 you're quite happy to do **** all...(but I didn't!) Thanks for the tip