Just got my letter



  • cristobal
    cristobal Online Community Member Posts: 984 Championing
    @tobias - I have to agree with you.

    Even when you take into account that the majority of claimants are successful without any problem and we don't hear from them there are some crazy stories.Fortunately they are in the minority - which is no help if it the 'minority' happens to be you!

    Quite difficult to see a solution.
  • rete
    rete Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    I disagree I don't be leave it is a minority at all the whole system is carupt.  I fir one am going to fight they can't over look an illness that effects my ability  to do the activities because they choose too do so . I have myasthenia gravid as well as mental health issue .yes they gave me points for that but to say I have no pysical disability because they total ignore my illness . May be gecause they have never heard of it what ever reason it's discussing and insulting me and my care gives including my neurological  team . She has shot her self in the foot stating that one line there . No phisical condition . Let alone the other lies we will rip apart ..and have included a leaflet to educate  them on myathena gravi's and my discarded notice from the hospital on Monday and any other letters that I can get my hands on