Could Anyone Offer Advice ?

gomonacco6768 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Connected
Received my letter today from DWP stating I had scored (0) points for both care & mobility for my PIP Claim I was being transitioned from DLA on to PIP after a medical assessment. 
I have an acquired brain injury & other ailments I have been in receipt of benefits since 1993 this is second time I have received 0 points after a DWP medical last time I believe was in 2002. I have a life time trust fund & I receive CB ESA SG £116.65 & DLA
£58.70 middle care & £23.20 lower mobility, I claim no other other entitlements.
Today I have contact CAB & Headway for help.     - clear


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,732 Championing

    DLA and PIP are different benefits. PIP isn't about a diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect your ability to carry out daily activities based on the PIP descriptors.

    As you were refused PIP your DLA will stop in approximately 4 weeks time. For the PIP you have 1 month from the date of the decision to request the Mandatory Reconsideration. You should put this in writing stating where you think you should have scored those points and your reasons why. Adding a couple of real life examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you.

    You should send any evidence you have with the letter to support your claim because they rarely contact anyone for this.

    Do be aware that most MR decisions remain the same so you'll very likely have to take it to Tribunal. Appearing in person will give you the best chance of a decision in your favour.

    If you haven't got a copy of the assessment report, i'd advise you to ring DWP to request this. Good luck.
  • gomonacco6768
    gomonacco6768 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Connected
    Thank you I’ll follow your advice much appreciated poppy ?