Pip reassessment worries

Candyflosshead13 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
edited August 2019 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hi everyone i dont come on here often because i steuggle with my depression and other health problems but i just need someone to chat too if ok i was awarded pip high rate of both but i had to go to see the pip people in November after being on it for two years i was awarded 3 years they took me off high rate mobility  but kep me in high rate care they said the reason was down to my depression  i was took off high mobility because even though  how bad i was with it i could still go to hospital  appointments and doctors appointments so i could plan a journey  i carnt as i told them my partner  takes me everywhere and there are many times appointments are cancelled because of the way my depression affects  me and also the physical pain im in i let it go because i just could not cope with appealing a letter arrived and said they had awarded me ongoing on both i spoke to someone from pip he told me there had been a clerical  midtake i had been awarded it for three years until 2021 so will be called in again next year why do they do tjis first they take away part of my mobility  payment then send letter which is not correct my head at moment just feels like it catnt take much more sorry going on x


  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
    Hi @Candyflosshead13, it's lovely to hear from you.

    I'm sorry to hear that you have been backwards and forwards with the PIP process. Did you appeal when you no longer qualified for the mobility component?

    It is possible that you will be called in next year, with this being anything from a year that the award runs out. However, with the current backlog, it is taking them longer to get round to the reassessments. 

    I can understand that it must feel like a lot is going on at one, but the community is always around to talk. :)
  • Candyflosshead13
    Candyflosshead13 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi Chloe sorry i havent put in they gave me low rate mobility  once they took me off high rate sorry i didnt put that in first time thats why i didnt apeal  i couldnt go thtough an apeal my head couldnt take the pressure  what i carnt undrrstand is why in rhe letter i recieved it says on going award for both of them but when i phoned they said i have to be resessed in 2021 when i spoke to someone on the phone they said it was a clerical mistske i dont understand  it the wording of the letter saying because of my problems thry were giving me a longer time which was ongoing but thrn in the phone telling me a clerical mistake who has made the mistake because i am confused with the wording  of the letter is it the decision  maker or someone who has typed the letter up sorry for going on its just this has messed with my head and i really want answers should i phone back and ask thrm how as this happrned or leave it thank you  Chloe 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Unless you're of pension age then only those with Enhanced for both parts will receive an ongoing award. If you're not pension age then i'll be very surprised if it's ongoing.