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DWP have rang with an offer.

Dinkysaurus Community member Posts: 36 Courageous
I was invited to move from DLA to PIP back in March 2019.
I was awarded standard care standard mobility.
I submitted a mandatory reconsideration at the beginning of July as I know I certainly met the descriptors for enhanced mobility.
I received a letter at the beginning of August saying it remained at Standard/Standard. 
I knew this would happen so already had my appeal ready.
Last week on the 13th I submitted it online. I was told that the DWP have until 17th September to respond. I called the court in our area and was told the wait time for my area is 28-35 weeks for a hearing. So I settled down for the wait,
Today less than a week after submitting my appeal online I received a call from the DWP with an offer to increase my mobility to enhanced. She said that they review again before responding to HMRC and she clearly could award me the 2 points I needed to get the enhanced rate,
I accepted the offer ( review in 2023 ) as this is all that I wanted and really felt I was genuinely entitled.

I want to thank everyone here especially @poppy123456 for your tireless efforts and the Scope team too. 


  • saz11
    saz11 Community member Posts: 121 Pioneering

    Brilliant result well done ?
  • Duke85
    Duke85 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
    That's fantastic news , I should have appealed I was 1 point of my hinanced mobility, when I was awaded DLA for life, my review is next year and I will appeal it next time

  • Dinkysaurus
    Dinkysaurus Community member Posts: 36 Courageous
    @saz11 thank you  :)

    @Duke85 My personal opinion is that anything that is close, 1 or 2 points they will look at more in depth as its obviously going to be a close call at appeal. I was just very surprised that an offer came so quick. Maybe in the weeks running up to the hearing date but to have it just one week after submitting the appeal had me gobsmacked. 
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Community member Posts: 859 Pioneering
    edited August 2019
    @Dinkysaurus well done as long as your happy with what has been offered? this seems to be happening more lately, and even more with the DWP phoning claimants and offering a different awards. 

    I get why they seem to be doing this s to cut down on the amount of appeals. Reasons for this happening is to make out the DWP are being fairer to claimants and cut appeals when the DWP know full well the claimant will get an even a higher award.

    Also people on ongoing PIP awards was for enhanced both rates only, but the DWP have again changed the goalposts now on this to, and offering claimants on both Standard rates.

    It's all a cost cutting act by the DWP, as they know claimants will be happy with what  they get.

    I created one of the campaign election videos for Labour, and Jeremy Corbyn,
    This is a new version of Emeli Sande, Hope "You Are Not Alone
    I highlighted everything that's wrong with this country from benefits, NHS, UC etc, but now we have to put up with the hate now that is the Tories. 

    You can see the video here.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,346 Disability Gamechanger
    Brilliant news! Always love to hear good news! I'm always happy to help anyone! :)
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • Jurph
    Jurph Community member Posts: 369 Pioneering
    Great news! I love reading success stories
  • KG100
    KG100 Community member Posts: 203 Pioneering
    It's nice to hear good news.
  • kezhendo73
    kezhendo73 Community member Posts: 37 Courageous
    Brilliant news it least you don't have to go through weeks of waiting for a date.
     I can't understand how they can lower your point when nothing has changed.
    My appeal has taken 42 weeks to come and it been such a stressful time,
    I wish they had done this for me..

  • ebeneee
    ebeneee Community member Posts: 87 Pioneering
    Thats brilliant news@Dinkysaurus, its nice to read positive news, even though ive been waiting 44 weeks, it gives you hope :)
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,298 Scope online community team
    That's great news @Dinkysaurus. I'm glad you were able to find help with your appeal on the community! :)
    Community Manager
  • Dinkysaurus
    Dinkysaurus Community member Posts: 36 Courageous
    Just a quick update.

    I received the official decision through the post. They scored me an extra 2 points on the moving around that's where I got the enhanced from. I also got 1 extra point on care but it still meant I was on standard care.
    However what pleases me was the original decision was to review 2023, that has been increased also to 2026. 
    The payments though are confusing me.
    The official date I went from DLA to PIP was July 3rd. Im due to get my regular payment tomorrow. They have said I will be getting paid from 30th July to August 26th at the standard/enhanced new rate. They could see on the system that this had already been amended. So that's ok it was sorted before my payment day. Will I get the 3rd July to 29th July backdated also? Will that take a little longer?
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Community member Posts: 859 Pioneering
    There you go? Sorted.
    I created one of the campaign election videos for Labour, and Jeremy Corbyn,
    This is a new version of Emeli Sande, Hope "You Are Not Alone
    I highlighted everything that's wrong with this country from benefits, NHS, UC etc, but now we have to put up with the hate now that is the Tories. 

    You can see the video here.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,346 Disability Gamechanger
    Your last DLA payment would have covered you until 29th July. Then PIP is paid from 30th July onwards.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • worried33
    worried33 Community member Posts: 503 Pioneering
    good result but also it seems also very quick turnaround times, you had 3 decisions quicker than I got 1 ;)

  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,581 Disability Gamechanger
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