Pip 19 points and 16 points will this be both rates

sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
edited September 2019 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
My desriptors
Are meal e
Taking nutrition d
B medicine 
C washing
C engaging 
Journey f varies 
B moving around varies 
19 points and 16 points will this be both rates 


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,727 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @sam12, is this what you've worked out using the self test for PIP?
  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    My lawyer done this is this good 
  • david235
    david235 Online Community Member Posts: 170 Empowering
    That indicates potential entitlement to enhanced rate of both components, @sam12 . However, there is a big difference between an informal assessment, even one by a welfare rights professional, and actually demonstrating entitlement to those rates to DWP (or a tribunal if relevant).

    With benefits it is never best to 'count your chickens' - just concentrate on making the best case that you can. As one of my law lecturers, a practising solicitor who regularly takes cases through the courts, used to remind me, there is no such thing as a guaranteed win. I thiink I'm right in remembering you have an upcoming Tribunal, for which I wish you well if I memory is correct.
  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    I know i won tribunal in past without going i got infinite ward 
  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    . Y my lawyer said in mr i struggle to to explain my difficulties so pip be aware of this
    Been something concealed witch being keep away from me be could harmful toward me i got serious mental health issues 
  • sam12
    sam12 Posts: 1,337 Empowering
    My partner unable to support me as he still investigating his hack mobile he a lawyer he does think i get it always said do not worry he very clever he know i have serious mental health issues i kant help it though talking about is difficult people judge us feel ashamed of having mental health every one will have form of mental health no one perfect are we
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,727 Online Community Programme Lead
    We do all have different difficulties, you’re right @sam12. I understand why you might find it hard to talk about your mental health at the tribunal, but it’s important you do. The tribunal panel aren’t there to make you feel ashamed, they see lots of people with various conditions including a range of mental health conditions. 

    Did you attend your last PIP tribunal?