About a little kindness

charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 305 Empowering
I wrote this poem when I was 14 and I think a lot of people can relate to. I write about my situations as its my signature of expression. 


Homeless, sick, and poor. 
To survive need tender loving warmth
To feel wanted like they were your own, 
And not out of place, 
A part that belongs in the human race, 

Man is greedy so much so
That in years to come, 
Greed will be the only man will know
So sometimes Stop, think and say, 
Why can't we live,
the good caring way.

The message is a little kindness can make a the difference. The gift is time why can't everyone spare just 10 mins of there's it makes a huge difference to someone else


  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    That is an amazing poem, @charlie79!  Do you write poetry much?  It is so true, it doesn't take a lot to spend a few minutes with someone, showing some kindness.  :smile:
  • charlie79
    charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 305 Empowering
    Yes I do its my only way expressing how I feel. I find it hard to connect to people due to trust issues due to past events. I find it hard to talk so this my way of expressing myself. I have to write them as I feel these emotions as they are all related to a situation place and my emotions. I wrote that when 14 I'm now 40 so it's a long time ago. Yes I write poetry constantly but it's my personal veiw at the time of how I felt. I have hundreds in the cupboard
  • charlie79
    charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 305 Empowering
    Yes it is true. Everyone can be kind and make a difference. Someone just listening can change the way and actions of someone. A smile can uplift a mood. A hello make you feel like you are noticed. There are many ways. 
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    I agree @charlie79!
    Whenever I am at a shop and I see those little buckets I donate. Only takes a minute and makes a massive difference. On Monday this week I went into hospital to see a 26 year old neighbor who had fallen down at work and hurt himself with some magazines and art supplies as well. He instantly cheered up when he saw me bringing him a easel and other art supplies. 
  • charlie79
    charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 305 Empowering
    The sadness is it is if people choose to be. I think if someone made me feel bad why would not want to try and make someone else feel a little kindness so they have the courage to try and not feel that way to. That little effort can change a person feeling like noone to someone. 
  • charlie79
    charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 305 Empowering
    Hello April I agree to
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    I love your poem too!  
  • saz11
    saz11 Online Community Member Posts: 121 Empowering

    Hi you are so very right if only we all had that loving home family life and friends. I don't have much but if i can be kind and make someone smile then i have achieved something that day. Manners and kindness cost nothing . Your poem struck a cord and i am glad writing poems help you ?
  • charlie79
    charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 305 Empowering
    I don't have any family and disconnected with them due to abuse. I stopped contact with them 20 yrs ago. I have 2 friends. Due nasty and painful events I am unable to engage with people and have serious trust issues. I am also housebound. But I still try be kind where I can. Mine was sharing this poem as it relates to a lot of people and let them know they are not alone feeling like this. Letting them know they are not a freak and brave unknown warriors due to self isolation as a protection mechanism. One day they can come out with knowledge that they are a survivor and a hero of their own achievements which may find a bit more difficult than someone with no mental health.