BLUE BADGE, daughter

Betsykay19 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
hi everyone, I could do with some advice. My daughter 5 suffers from mitochondrial disease which has presented itself in many ways and leaves her unable to walk at all. She uses a walking frame.  I have recently seperated from my wife and have regular access. My wife has since we seperated attempted to make my life very hard by withholding my passport, money, jewellery etc I’ve risen above and replaced all of the above. But she refuses to give me my daughters blue badge when I have her. I have begged pleaded and clearly outlined just how important this is for our daughter. Still it never travels with her leaving me sometimes having to carry her across car parks untill it’s safe to put her in her frame. She’s five and heavy so it’s not ideal. Sometimes I have to use a push chair which she hates. I’ve tried to apply for a badge of my own but the council have said it belongs to my daughter and not my ex and she should do the decent thing and give me it when I have her. But she still refuses and ignores my pleas. Any advice people????


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Your local council are right, it does belong to your daughter and not your wife and you won't be able to apply for another blue badge for your daughter because she already has one. Your wife is wrong not to let you have the badge when you have access to your daughter.

    Are you in contact with a solicitor regarding your separation with your wife? If you are then i'd advise you to speak to them and maybe they can send a letter to your wife.
  • Betsykay19
    Betsykay19 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    I am in the process of a divorce yes and I intend to mention this when I next see my solicitor. But I have my daughter this weekend and I’m going to suffer the same inconvenience again. Despite only texting last night asking she has the badge in her school bag and again stressing the importance not for me but for our daughter she ignored me. Thanks for yiur advice 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I'm sorry to hear that your wife is being this way towards you especially when your daughter needs that blue badge. Is there any reason why she won't agree to let you have it when it's your daughters badge not hers?

    I would definitely speak to your solicitor Monday to see what can be done so you're ready for when you next have your daughter. Other than that i'm afraid there's nothing more i can suggest.
  • Betsykay19
    Betsykay19 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    There is no other reason other than unreasonable behaviour but I imagined it would stop when it’s something so important like this. I have literally explained that it’s nothing but for my daughter I am at a loss as to why a mother could do this
  • Betsykay19
    Betsykay19 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Thankyou for yiur advice poppy I can’t imagine what a Cafcass officer would make of having to go to the lengths of sending a solicitors letter asking for the blue badge
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    edited September 2019
    Hi @Betsykay19, I'm sorry I don't have any answer, but wanted to welcome you to Scope's forum, hoping that someone may be better able to help.

    Surely, sadly, you are not the only person who has separated from your spouse, & finds themselves in this position as both separation & divorce can lead to 'poor feelings;' whilst you both remain parents wanting to help your child.

    The only thing I can think of is perhaps contacting someone like the Citizens Advice Bureau; seeing if they're willing to write a letter to your wife endorsing the fact that the Blue Badge is for your daughter's use, & is not the property of either parent. Or even ask the same of your local council. Just hoping the written word may better help you.

  • Betsykay19
    Betsykay19 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Thanks chiarieds. But like you say in a difficult situation wanting to help your child. That’s just it. How does this in any way help our child. But Thankyou for welcoming me and your advice 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Sadly it doesn't help your daughter, & I'm so sorry your wife is unresponsive.

    When I looked at your first post, you hadn't had a reply. You can see how helpful this forum may be by the responses as I'm also slow in typing! I hope someone may have a definitive answer, but please be assured of the support you will receive.
  • Betsykay19
    Betsykay19 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Thankyou. I really appreciate your reply’s I do. I understand it’s a tricky situation and one that’s hard to understand. I hope someone in this community has been through the same ordeal. Thanks again