Creative programmes for Adobe

BethanEva Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
I was wondering if you may be able to assist me? I have a learner who has joined us this year and studying art & fashion. She has Cerebral Palsy and has a joystick she uses with her computer in class, however her course has a few art sessions and assignments for it such as Life Drawing. Her teacher is being really creative working with the exam boards to adapt this to her abilities. This will probably mean she creates something on Adobe, and whilst she does know how to use Adobe, I wondered if there was any other specific art or creative programmes suitable for her to try and if you know anywhere that offers specific training on these? Hope this makes sense.


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    @Ryan_Assistive or @Andy_Assistive any thoughts?
  • Ryan_Scope
    Ryan_Scope Scope Posts: 14 Contributor
    Hello @BethanEva

    I have had a look into this online and unfortunatey I cannot find any alternative software/hardware packages that your learner would be able to try. Adobe software should allow the Joystick to act as the cursor and all finctions should remain the same. 

    I will raise this question with colleagues and other contacts i have within some of the UK universities to see if they have any knoweledge or advice that could be helpful. I will post any responses I get on here so that you can access the responses. 

    Kind regards,

    Ryan Kennedy 
    Assistive Solutions and Digital Inclusion Specialist