Was doing so well...

JazzieJo Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
I'm a uni student going into 2nd year in Oct. I was doing so well mentally all summer. Was looking forward to going back but recently I've been gradually getting ill again for no reason. 

I have schizoaffective disorder and aspergers. First, i suddenly stopped sleeping for two weeks now. I have a camera watching my front door for safety but I feel like people are watching me from the other side with it. I don't like going out because I feel like I'm spied on all the time. I see things move, hear scratching like someone is in my wall when there is no one opposite my bedroom. Constant weird static noises or whispers. I have no appetite I go all day with no food or water. No energy. I could always sleep but now I feel exhausted but can't.

 I can't feel my medication working at all. Even zopiclone and diazepam. 

I was doing so well. Why is this happening? I don't want to bother my parents they are going abroad next week for their anniversary and mum will worry. I went to get my medication because I ran out and I couldn't get it because I suddenly needed a medication review which was never a problem before so now I'm out of meds when I feel the worse. So I lost it a bit in the pharmacy just now. I don't have the energy to go back outside to get it once it's ready.

I'm really miserable and feel like a burden and let myself down especially with uni next week.


  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Online Community Member Posts: 263 Empowering
    Hi @JazzieJo
    I used to work as a counsellor at the University of Exeter so I'm familiar with what you are talking about. Hopefully the university you are at has good well being services so one option is to get in touch with them and see what they can offer you?
    If you feel like you need a medication review then can you register with a university doctor? T sometimes medication is only effective short term so you (and your doctor)m need to get more creative in terms of strategies that help you. 
    There is a LOT of help for students nowadays it's just a question of tapping into it.
    Hopefully  you can find some support to get you through the next few weeks. The first few weeks of term are about finding your feet again, even if you are in second year.
    Remember that you've got through the first year, have a think about what helped you do that? 
    I hope that helps?

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    edited September 2019
    Hi @JazzieJo!
    I'm sorry to hear you feel as though you're getting ill again. Do you think the stress and nerves of returning to your second year of university may have some part to play? Even if you were looking forward to it, it's still a big change and added pressure. 

    If you're running low or are out of your medication it's very important you try and get in touch with your doctor and arrange a new prescription. You could try calling 111 and see if they have any advice as well. 

    I know you don't won't to bother your mother, but as a parent myself I know I'd always want my children to let me know if they were having a hard time. Would you consider reaching out to them?

    Aside from your GP are you getting any support with your mental health? As @EmmaB mentioned, most Universities have wellbeing services you could speak with. 

    Mind have some resources and advice for when you're having trouble sleeping and also some self-care ideas for schizoaffective disorder which you might find useful.