Hiya from Norwich!

Aimz2shine Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
I'm glad I found y'all! I hope to be able to meet like minded people, possibly make a friend or two, and help out any way I can with all the various DWP headaches one goes through (climbed that hideous mountain). I'm a firm believer in striving to take control of your disability, not let it control you. I personally suffer from chronic lower back pain, due to nerve impingement. The medical community have put me out to pasture, as they believe there is nothing more they can do for me (been refused surgery, as well). So I, too, am in the "grin and bear it" situation most of us are in. I hope to meet more of you on here, and will be more than happy to be a sounding board, if needed. All the best for a meaningful and productive life for everyone! ?


  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,879 Championing
    Hi @Aimz2shine and welcome to the community! How are you doing today? :)
  • Aimz2shine
    Aimz2shine Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    Doing just fine, you? Just doing a bit of DIY (trying not to over do it, of course)  ?
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,879 Championing
    I'm good thank you, just catching up with some bits and bobs :) do you do DIY as a hobby? :)
  • Aimz2shine
    Aimz2shine Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    Yes, I've actually just started, tbh. Like to upcycle and put my own stamp on things. Gives me a great feeling of accomplishment!
  • Derbymduck
    Derbymduck Community member Posts: 39 Contributor
    Hello and welcome from Derby :smile:
  • Aimz2shine
    Aimz2shine Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @Derbymduck, cheers for the welcome! I look forward to becoming a part of, what seems like, a great group of people! ?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 230 Empowering
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  • Aimz2shine
    Aimz2shine Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @justdon LOL! I've met you before, haven't I? ?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 230 Empowering
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  • Aimz2shine
    Aimz2shine Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @justdon, just wished I could've given it to you sooner, when you needed it the most...
  • [Deleted User]
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  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,586 Online Community Programme Lead
    Great to have you here @Aimz2shine. If you feel comfortable sharing your upcycled creations, you're welcome to post pics in our Kaleidoscope thread here.
  • Aimz2shine
    Aimz2shine Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @justdon, I hear you. Unfortunately, since mental health issues tend to be used by benefit cheats, there's quite a bit of scrutiny with the DWP when it comes to awarding benefits. This is what I've sussed out just on my own. What the DWP doesn't understand is, benefit cheats know how to play the game, so unless they are caught out and about, away from the assessment office, they'll keep on keeping on.
  • Aimz2shine
    Aimz2shine Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @Adrian_Scope, it's gonna be awhile before I can post some of my upcycling. It takes a good long time to finish a project. However, when I do, I'll post a few pics ?
  • [Deleted User]
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  • Janet63
    Janet63 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hiya from Hull
  • Aimz2shine
    Aimz2shine Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @Janet63, hey there! Thank you for the greeting! Hope you are well! Are y'all floating from all the rain your way?
  • Aimz2shine
    Aimz2shine Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @justdon, pisses me off as well for the same reasons you mentioned. They are screwing it up for the people who genuinely need help. I also blame the lack of qualified assessors. I have noticed, after being reassessed for PIP after receiving it for a couple of years, that they are getting better, but still have a ways to go. I started going through the claiming process when PIP and ESA were in its infancy, so I was caught up in all the glitches that reared their heads when they rolled the scheme out. I had to go through tribunal regarding ESA, as they put me in WRAG instead of Support group. After a couple of "required" trips to the job centre, I realised how "they" do it. Squeaky wheel gets the grease, and make yourself "look" unemployable. Simple...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 230 Empowering
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  • Aimz2shine
    Aimz2shine Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @justdon, yes, everything's been fine for a few years now. Sheer grit and determination does pay off. I've always been bullheaded, which has its advantages. Also, Equal Lives had my back (no pun intended) every step of the way. Hence, why I'm always recommending them. My heart goes out to the people that are vulnerable and don't have that "fight" in them to take on the powers that be. I do wish the best for you. Keep on keeping on! Remember, they can knock you down, but they can't knock you out ?