I am worried about my pip assessment and suicide question



  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @happyman, thanks for the update! I really hope the report reflects your current situation. It must be annoying they you didn't get the chance to fully explain things, but I hope this doesn't go against the claim!
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @happyman   Sorry to hear you had some issues around your assessment.

    Please may I suggest any assessment ask for some assistance if you have a mental health support worker or an outreach worker.  

    They should be with you at any assessment you do. Help you with any form filling in and be in attendance.

    Answering any questions you may have.

    I have been claiming benefits a long time.

    I never say yes for a examination. Nothing in my opinion is more humiliating, embarrassing having someone exam you and have no idea.

    It is not necessary.  I understand what you are going through.  Have compassion.

    I have given evidence and what helps in my opinion once again is being honest, open and be truthful.

    If you need to explain how you are having problems use some notes. I made some bullets points as I referred to them.

    Please can I add one other point if you do not mind. There are positivity stories around the benefit system. 

    Also in my own history with claiming had good ones bad ones and terrible assessments but tend to be focused on the good ones.

    I lost my car on the Motability scheme a year ago but do know there are answers and solutions to be coping. Used taxis and do a lot on line you just deal with what you have  and stay strong have courage.

    Small steps every day.

    Try to stay positive and give yourself some reassurance.

    If you need to appeal if the decision is that we as a community are always here to advise and be supportive.

    One other thing is if you need some help with your mental health.

    Consider mental health charities.


    Used this one last time can help and offer floating support, advice on mental health and well being.

    Assistance with benefits and other aspects of care and health.

    Might not be in all areas sorry to say.

    Hope that helps.

    Please if you need to talk to any one. Happy to do so ready to listen anytime you want to.

    Please take care and keep in touch.  Best wishes for a positive outcome.


  • happyman
    happyman Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor
    I am so upset, i just cannot believe it. I received the report this morning and the assessor has lied about everything and at the bottom has said that my case should not be reviewed for at least two years. She has given me no points on anything. I cannot believe how many lies she has told.

    I need help in bathing and going to the toilet, and she has put i don't. i explained to her that i need help with therapy each day, and my wife has to go for training on the 24th october for new therapy that she has to do with me each day, and the assessor has said i do not need help with therapy.

    I explained i cannot cook due to the pain, and also due to other problems and she has put down that i can cook which is a complete lie. i was in pain when i was there and explained that is why i could not do some of the tasks that she was asking and she has put down that i was not in pain. i am shocked and disgusted with all the lies on the report.
  • happyman
    happyman Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor
    can this assessor be reported for lying, i have never seen so many lies in my life
  • happyman
    happyman Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor
    do i have to wait for the letter to come through before i can complain about the assessor lying. my head feels like it is about to explode. i do not understand what this woman gets out of lying.
  • dolfrog
    dolfrog Online Community Member Posts: 439 Trailblazing
    Hi @happyman

    I am in a similar position lying and manipulative assessors lyes are magnified by so called administrators who write pure disability discrimination, It is all about their careers and doing what their employers expect, not about understanding disabilities and the issues that living with a disability can cause. 

  • happyman
    happyman Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor
    dolfrog said:
    Hi @happyman

    I am in a similar position lying and manipulative assessors lyes are magnified by so called administrators who write pure disability discrimination, It is all about their careers and doing what their employers expect, not about understanding disabilities and the issues that living with a disability can cause. 

    i really do not get it. on everything that i told her she lied. I have memory loss due to a serious road traffic accident and she asked me to remember three things. i was crying because it hurt like hell trying to remember them and i could not and she has put down that i could. She then said she asked me to spell world backwards and said i had no problems. i was begging her to stop because the pressure of my brain was killing me and was struggling like mad. she has put i had no trouble at all with this.

  • happyman
    happyman Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor
    Saracen said:
    And don't forget 7 days after your assessment phone dwp and ask for a copy of the HP report this is a good guide to what u will get
    please can you share your input on what has happened to me and try and explain what an assessor gets out of lying
  • happyman
    happyman Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor
    If I last the year then I will be shocked after those lies and that report 
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    edited October 2019
    @happyman Really sorry this has happened to you, will give you a bit of advice? I know the assessors have lied and bent the truth from what you say or do. 

    Many claimants have been lied to on their forms.

    Your only option is get the decision letter and put in for a Mandatory Reconsideration, then if that fails you can then appeal it.

    But don't write on the form and or accuse them of lying, that really won't go down well at all.

    I know you feel hard done by, but just focus on what you think you should have scored points on and give examples of how your affected functionally.

    Good luck.
  • happyman
    happyman Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor
    @happyman Really sorry this has happened to you, will give you a bit of advice? I know the assessors have lied and bent the truth from what you say or do. 

    Many claimants have been lied to on their forms.

    Your only option is get the decision letter and put in for a Mandatory Reconsideration, then if that fails you can then appeal it.

    But don't write on the form and or accuse them of lying, that really won't go down well at all.

    I know you feel hard done by, but just focus on what you think you should have scored points on and give examples of how your affected functionally.

    Good luck.
    What is a mandoraty descion. What do I do with it. You say don't mention they lied but this person will do it to other people. Question. Is the form she filled a legal form and if so then can't she be prosecuted for lying 
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    edited October 2019
    Okay let's sort this @happyman

    1. MR aka mandatory reconsideration. Is what you will have to do when you fail an assessment, once you get the failed decision notice you will have a month to put in for a MR, you can phone the DWP PIP and say you want to do a MR.

    That can take up to 10 weeks to complete, then the DWP will have looked at your claim again to see if it can be changed, if not they will send another letter telling you of that decision.  Sometimes they will change the decision in your favour, but that's not often.

    Just give good answer on the MR form. 

    2. With the failed decision letter from the MR then you then can apply to appeal.

    3. Assessors and the report and it's full of lies. Again "Don't" even mention the lies it will not be wise? It's hard I know, but hold be in mentioning them.

    I hope this you now understand what happens.
  • happyman
    happyman Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor
    It's a shocking world we live in where's people in a position of trust are allowed to lie and keep doing it knowing nothing will happen to them. That is like a policeman telling lies in court and people know he lies but he is allowed to do it. What type of world do we live in 
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    edited October 2019
    @happyman very true, when It's anything is to do with the tories their always in the right? Not, they think are, and they can just push people around, but they've meet me and I don't stand for it.

    I campaign against them every time. I'm disabled myself and have gone through this process. I don't just let them assessments push me around, I do give them a hard time and I always win.  Only ever had one assessment face to face none ever since. My DLA to PIP was done on paperwork enhanced both rates ongoing, as was my last three ESA's.

    I have good health professionals, also the DWP no full fact I will never improve. So I reply why keep putting me through this, lucky they listen to me.
  • happyman
    happyman Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor
    @happyman very true, when It's anything is to do with the tories their always in the right? Not, they think are, and they can just push people around, but they've meet me and I don't stand for it.

    I campaign against them every time. I'm disabled myself and have gone through this process. I don't just let them assessments push me around, I do give them a hard time and I always win.  Only ever had one assessment face to face none ever since. My DLA to PIP was done on paperwork enhanced both rates ongoing, as was my last three ESA's.

    I have good health professionals, also the DWP no full fact I will never improve. So I reply why keep putting me through this, lucky they listen to me.
    I don't know how the assessor can sleep at night. So basically, I can't bath myself, I need help getting to the toilet and I am in consent pain all day long. My daughter has to help me with therapy and my wife has to go for training for other therapy I need butcaccording to the assessor I need no help with therapy. I fall all the time and at the moment I have a huge bruise but according to the assessor I don't fall. My wife is upset we won't get help and I am just drained. Because of this report I feel like my family are keeping a closer eye on me than they normally do 
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    @happyman trust me they can sleep at night when their on this money. They wouldn't have a second thought for you or anyone else.  

    Just follow the information I've given you at the start of this conversation.
  • happyman
    happyman Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor
    What I don't get is, why do t they just contact my doctor and the people who deal with my care. I have a team of four health professionals that I have to see every two weeks. I have to have regular injections as well, so why don't they just speak to them
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    edited October 2019
    @happyman it's very rare they contact your GP etc, that's the claimants job to do? Yes I know they say the will contact bla, bla bla, bu they don't very often.

    Must ask did you send in any evidence with your PIP2 form, if you didn't that's more likely got turned down.

    if you did send evidence with your PIP2 form if it was only generalised information and didn't mention anything about how you function on a daily basis, if it was only the diagnosis listed PIP doesn't just accept that, the DWP want to know how you function daily even though having a diagnosis proves you have a disability or health condition(s).

  • kensplace
    kensplace Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    SKipped past rest of thread just replying to o/p post.   
    It most likely does not matter what you say, the assessor will lie anyway.  YOu might get lucky and get a honest one, but expect them to be scum and to lie and disregard what you say.
    Re suicide - I once told my story to a assessor (missing a limb he was in case he is reading so he recognises himself) and he actually said to me if your life went so bad and things got so bad how come you did not kill yourself. Basically he did not believe I could be mentally ill as I was alive.....Thtas the sort of scum Im on about....
    Dont worry. Just ask for the assessment to be recorded and expect a pack of lies to come through the post. If your lucky and its fine then all is well its a win. If not at least you expected the worst...... DO NOT TRUST THEM.  
    Take a witness also.

  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    kensplace said:
    SKipped past rest of thread just replying to o/p post.   
    It most likely does not matter what you say, the assessor will lie anyway.  YOu might get lucky and get a honest one, but expect them to be scum and to lie and disregard what you say.
    Re suicide - I once told my story to a assessor (missing a limb he was in case he is reading so he recognises himself) and he actually said to me if your life went so bad and things got so bad how come you did not kill yourself. Basically he did not believe I could be mentally ill as I was alive.....Thtas the sort of scum Im on about....
    Dont worry. Just ask for the assessment to be recorded and expect a pack of lies to come through the post. If your lucky and its fine then all is well its a win. If not at least you expected the worst...... DO NOT TRUST THEM.  
    Take a witness also.

    @kensplace As you've skipped the thread the OP has had and failed the PIP assessment. So maybe a good idea to keep up. ?