Aged over 16, disabled and looking for a job?

Deb_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 161 Empowering
edited October 2019 in Work

Are you over 16, disabled and looking for a job? 

Good news - we may be able to help!

Support to Work is an online and telephone support programme for disabled people living in England and Wales who are looking for a paid job.

Support to Work is an online and telephone support programme for people aged 16 disabled and looking for a job

If you qualify for our programme you will be allocated a dedicated employment adviser. Your adviser will help you with employability skills, like time management and confidence. They will also help you to write a good CV, find jobs and prepare for interviews.

You will work with your adviser to create a confidential, tailored 12-week action plan to get you on track. The plan might include activities such as reading job seekers’ advice, writing a CV from a template and undertaking research for an interview.

Spaces are limited and we operate on a first come, first served basis. 

Head over to Support to Work to find out more and get started today:


  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    This is a fab idea and I hope many people will take part in the programme.   :)
  • kami24
    kami24 Online Community Member Posts: 399 Empowering
    They aren't always good sometimes staff keep ringing too much or are simply of little help especially with people with social and emotional disorders like myself as we feel pushed into something or belittled by staff on phones or in offices who are sat at a computer all day but then say they are helping you (and working?? Really?? Work is sat there??) 
  • kami24
    kami24 Online Community Member Posts: 399 Empowering
    Rubbish many disabled people already are very intelligent and have their own CV thankyou very much find it quite offensive actually to say they will help you like we are stupid 
  • Guy_Scope
    Guy_Scope Scope Posts: 25 Contributor
    Hi Kami , I manage the Support to Work service, have you had this experience with our service,? The team you are right are based in an office as we support disabled people across England and Wales over the telephone and online, trust me they do work very hard to support customers to find work, CVs are just a small part of what we support with and we have worked with disabled people with a huge array of impairments, experiences and qualifications. Happy to hear your thoughts either on here or you can email me 

  • kami24
    kami24 Online Community Member Posts: 399 Empowering
    edited October 2019
    Not sure about 'do work hard' that is my opinion and you will never change it sorryyy
  • Guy_Scope
    Guy_Scope Scope Posts: 25 Contributor
    Hi @kami24 , sorry for clarity's sake, have you used Scope's Support to Work service? I am keen to investigate this as it sounds like a complaint about the service, which I take very seriously- thanks Guy
  • surfygoose
    surfygoose Online Community Member Posts: 493 Empowering
    Hello. Is this service only for helping to get in paid employment or can it help with finding supported work experience? If it is only for paid employment is there a different service that can help about supported work experience? I have two placements. They have been hard to get but are good and I would like to find more. I am one to one outside of my care home but I have liked it that I feel more independent where I go to a charity shop for 2 hours twice a week and the manager there offers my support herself so I don’t have to feel babysat by care staff. I work hard in exchange. I also go to a nursing home for 2 hours per week and the activity coordinator gives me one to one support and I listen to her well and help with what she asks me to.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,712 Online Community Programme Lead
    edited April 2020
    Hi @surfygoose. Support to Work offer support with: 
    • employability skills like time management and confidence
    • writing your CV
    • preparing for interviews.
    So if they're not the service for you, it might be worth checking out the Q&A with Starting Line we're hosting on the community at the moment. They're one of our other free employment services and you're welcome to participate and ask them your questions.
  • surfygoose
    surfygoose Online Community Member Posts: 493 Empowering
    Thank you Adrian.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,782 Connected
    edited October 2020
    Over the years I've done several versions of my CV, the most recent was last week, still dated June 2020. But because I'm A) disabled and B) through no fault of my own, have no paid work history and C) I'm over 40, I keep getting passed over for able bodied 20 odd year olds who can work 60 hours a week with no sanctions.

    This is what winds me up though, the government puts tight restrictions on the number of hours you can do while on PIP, and then they wonder why there's people out there working 10 hours a day 7 days a week and not declaring it?! Jesus wept.