
fatherinpain Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
edited October 2019 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Wife declined pip because her mental health very occasionally doesn’t effect her, is this correct for being declined


  • cristobal
    cristobal Online Community Member Posts: 984 Championing
    @fatherinpain - the DWP consider how you are for the majority of the time.

    If your wife is unaffected by her condition 'very occasionally' then it sounds like that she is affected for the majority of the time and she shouldn't have been declined.

    Is this the reason given on the decision letter?
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @fatherinpain, sorry to hear this! PIP is awarded based on how the person is the majority of the time. It takes into consideration both good and bad day. Did you request a copy of the report? This may help to see if it is an accurate representation of your wife's health.
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    @fatherinpain, hello and welcome, PIP as you know is awarded on your ability to preform the PIP descriptiors in a repeatable way safely and in a timely manner. It is not awarded on a diagnosis or illness or the amount of prescription drugs you are taking. When applying for PIP read the descriptors and focus on how they I. mpact on
    your daily living activities In relation to the PIP descriptiors when you fill In the application form, the answers submitted will have to be justified at your F2F assessment. 
  • fatherinpain
    fatherinpain Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    One reason being she walks to dr’s surgery which According to google maps is 240 yards from home, she does this in hurried state with head down.She suffers from panic attacks, acrophobia, anxiety, social anxiety ocd and depression 
  • fatherinpain
    fatherinpain Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Thank you all for confirming what I thought and not what it says in her mr. On that it states because she doesn’t panic every time we are not able to award you. Sounds like she will have to take it to appeal as well
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    That will be part of following and planning a journey for the mobility part. There's 10 daily living activities too. I'd advise you to get some face to face advice from an agency near you.
  • fatherinpain
    fatherinpain Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    If only it was that easy with her, we will proceed with her appeal best we can between us, as for getting wifey to go anywhere will lead to stress and all sorts
  • GamerGirl37
    GamerGirl37 Online Community Member Posts: 97 Empowering
    How is it possible for them to shut down people who have clear evidence 
  • fatherinpain
    fatherinpain Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    They should be made to stay a week so they can get a proper grasp of the situation an hour assessment does not really show the full side to mental health 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    They should be made to stay a week
    I can't even begin to imagine the length of the backlogs if that happened. I know i certainly would want any HCP staying with me for 1 week and watching me every single day. I've not got anything to hide but that really would be ridiculous.
  • fatherinpain
    fatherinpain Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Yes it would be ridiculous but then so are some of decisions they make, I believe mental health is far more complex then a one hour window will show, 
  • cristobal
    cristobal Online Community Member Posts: 984 Championing
    @fatherinpain - I'm not an expert but are there not equal opportunity issues with this - if people with some conditions have a longer, or shorter, assessment then it could be perceived as unfair?

    I suppose a lot will depend on what you put on your initial application, and whether there's a need for a F2F at all??

  • fatherinpain
    fatherinpain Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    The answer was lots put in application, from detailed descriptions of the panic stress and dread, days of living like a zombie or how a simple thing becomes all consuming all fully backed up with dr’s and physiologist. To be honest the assessment was nothing like the report which as we all should know was full of bull. Almost like it was some else’s report and not my partners. 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @fatherinpain - I'm very sorry to read about your wife's problems, but sadly, like many people have found, you have to better describe, or say where your wife should have gained points, against the 'descriptors'. Please see the following link.

    It should not be so, but as mental health issues can be complex, so too can those of a physical nature, & poorly understood by some Drs. All you should concentrate upon now is describing the difficulties your wife faces with these 'descriptors' to help you with her claim at a Tribunal even 'tho you feel such problems have already been described by yourself. As Poppy suggests, it may be an idea to get some face to face help from a local agency to help you both.

  • fatherinpain
    fatherinpain Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    Hello @chiarieds these things were described to the point. Which along with some of her diagnosed problems were completely ignored by assessor and at mr stage. Like I said before it’s not so easy to get her to go anywhere, which makes getting help almost impossible.