SEN/ EHCP examples help?

3Mamabear Community member Posts: 17 Contributor
edited November 2019 in Education and skills
It's been over month since we got our sons diagnosis of mild spastic diplegia cp. Having given his pre school (s) the diagnosis letter we now want to get together to form a SEN/EHCP for him. I've had a look online and at the suggested links from Scopes page but I'm still struggling to think of things we may need to include or who I should be asking to have some input. 
I guess as he is still young I take for granted just how much help he requires. 
So far, I have that his condition affects his mobility and balance. He can walk short distances unaided but tires and then requires the use of a buggy to rest before he can continue walking again. His lack of balance and slow speed are more prominent on uneven surfaces. 
He may/will need more time to get around the classroom/school. The classroom should organised, as much as possible, with clear routes (avoiding trip hazards). 
He wears splints, which at present, he requires an adult to help put on/off as well as his shoes.
At present, needs help getting undressed/dressed to use toilet (accidents are a little more frequent).
He has been referred to SLT for a stutter. He will continue physiotherapy and we are currently awaiting a review of treatment. 

I feel like these are the important areas atm. Am I missing anything? Any suggestions would be really appreciated. 


  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    Hi @3Mamabear, it sounds like you have given this a lot of thought, and this is great!

    Here is some information about the EHCP process.

    It's important to remember to be specific so it is clear exactly the kind of support that he requires.

    Also, here is the components broken down which should make it easier to see if anything has been missed. :)

    Please do let us know how you get on!  
  • 3Mamabear
    3Mamabear Community member Posts: 17 Contributor
    Thank you so much that's really useful. I'll take a good look again tonight. :) 
  • Doris_Scope
    Doris_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 183 Family Services
    edited August 22




    It sounds like you have  thorough understanding of what your little boy needs in terms of support.
    Have you spoken to his nursery about an EHCP referral?  You can of course refer yourself, but the nursery will no doubt have to provide information anyway and they could do the referral for you if they are willing.

    The basic referral is first of all for the county to decide as to whether they will go ahead with the assessments so the more information that you provide the better, including any reports that you may have.

    If you go to the following site, you can download a document on exemplars of good practice for EHCPs:

    Hope this helps,