Pip based on learning disability and cognitive impairment

ketomum Community member Posts: 33 Connected
Hello all, this is my first time on the forum and I just want to know is their anyone who has applied for pip based on learning disability and cognitive impairment. My daughter is 16 and I have put in for her pip I am her appointee as she is diagnosed with a moderate learning disability. She also has hydrocephalus and has a shunt. We are currently waiting for an assessment. I just want to see if anyone has been in the same situation and whether they could share their experiences with the pip process. I know every child is different but just want to know what to expect. Thanks in advance.


  • ketomum
    ketomum Community member Posts: 33 Connected
    Hello all, this is my first time on the forum and I just want to know is their anyone who has applied for pip based on learning disability and cognitive impairment. My daughter is 16 and I have put in for her pip I am her appointee as she is diagnosed with a moderate learning disability. She also has hydrocephalus and has a shunt. We are currently waiting for an assessment. I just want to see if anyone has been in the same situation and whether they could share their experiences with the pip process. I know every child is different but just want to know what to expect. Thanks in advance.
  • wilko
    wilko Community member Posts: 2,439 Championing
    Hello and welcome, as I am sure you know pip is not awarded on a disability, diagnosis or illnesses that you have but on your abilities to function, preform the pip descriptors in a safe, repeatable and timely manner, so as you filled in the application form you as your daughters appointee will be well aware this what the accessor will be seeking to clarify at the face to face assessment at home or  an assessment center. Be on your guard think before you answer as some unrelated conversations will or can be taken as facts without you realising.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing

    Most people have a face to face assessment, so expect one of those. As you are her appointee then you will be able to speak on her behalf during any assessment but she will also need to attend as well.

    My daughter has a learning disability and Autism but and claims Enhanced rate for both parts of PIP but you can't compare 2 people. it really depends how her conditions affect her.

    Good luck.
  • ketomum
    ketomum Community member Posts: 33 Connected
    Thanks you all for such helpful replies. My daughter is 16 but really functions like a child who is aged between 5-6 years old. I am just worried as I heard so many stories of the accessors lying and fabricating reports. I’m happy that I am to talk for her but I’m also happy for them to talk to and see my daughter as they will be able to see her cognitive ability for themselves. Thanks again
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
    Hi @ketomum and a very warm welcome to the community. I wish you the best of luck and please do let us know how you get on or if there is anything else we can do to help. :)
  • ketomum
    ketomum Community member Posts: 33 Connected
    @Chloe_Scope thank you so much for such a warm welcome. We are still waiting for a f2f assessment date. I phoned them last week and they said if I don’t hear something by the 9th of December 2019 I should call again and I will be given the number of the accessors who are dealing with my daughters case. We live in the West Midlands 
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
    No problem at all @ketomum! Unfortunately there appears to be a backlog in most areas so it's hard to say how long you will be waiting for a date. I really hope it isn't much longer. :)
  • ketomum
    ketomum Community member Posts: 33 Connected
    Hello all, I just want to give a quick update regarding my daughters pip claim. I have just received a call from an accessor who has offered my daughter an appointment for 2 weeks time. My daughter has been given an home appointment although I never requested for one (Not sure if that is a good sign). I will keep you all updated as things progress  :)For area reference I live in the west midlands and pip form was received by pip on the 29th october 2019 just to give you a timescale of the F2F waiting time.
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
    Hi @ketomum and thank you for taking the time to update us! A home assessment is given if they believe it would be difficult for you to get to your closes assessment centre. I really hope it goes okay and if you need anything then please do not hesitate to be in touch. :)
  • ketomum
    ketomum Community member Posts: 33 Connected
    Thank you so much for the reply and all of the support. Applying for Pip is definley a stressful process. Even though I know my daughter is entitled to this benefit the process in a whole is a mind field. I have to say its forums like this that really help take the edge of a little, and allows me to see that others are in the same situation. The advice I receive on here is so helpful and reading other people stories also helps to prepare myself and my daughter on the next steps to take. I will update as soon as we have had the assessment. fingers crossed it all goes well. Thanks again
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
    Hi @ketomum, I'm so glad the community has been able to support and advise you. Please do let us know if there is anything else we can do to help and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :)
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    A home assessment doesn't mean anything other than it's in the comfort of your home, rather than an assessment centre.

    If you're her appointee then you'll be able to answer all the questions on her behalf, with the exception of a few questions at the end of the assessment. If you're not her appointee then she will need to answer them herself but you maybe able to prompt her but this will depend on the HCP on the day.

    Good luck.
  • ketomum
    ketomum Community member Posts: 33 Connected
    @poppy123456 thanks so much for your reply. The reason I made reference regarding the home visit is that I have seen many people on here fighting to receive an home assessment and many are denied so I was surprised we were offered one. I am my daughters appointee so I’m happy that I will be able to answer some questions on her behalf as she really has no awareness regarding her disability. Thanks ketomum
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    You're welcome, my daughter also had a home assessment based on the evidence i sent, this was enough to be offered one, without asking. Some are also offered them automatically if there's no assessment centre close to where you live.
  • ketomum
    ketomum Community member Posts: 33 Connected
    Hi everyone,  I received a phone call from who i believe was the accessor who said they are coming to do my daughters assessment within 2 weeks time. I am yet to receive a letter confirming the date and the time. Should I call PIP to to see if an appointment is on their systems?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    You will need to contact the health assessment providers and not DWP because the assessments are nothing to do with DWP and they won't know when your daughters appointment may be.
  • ketomum
    ketomum Community member Posts: 33 Connected
    Thanks so much for such a quick reply. I rang the assessment centre and the appointment is on the 11th December 2019. I just didn't want the letter to arrive the day before the assessment. Thanks again
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    You're welcome. You don't need the letter because you know when the assessment appointment is, which is most likely why they rang you. If you gave a mobile number then you'll receive a text message reminding you of the appointment date and time.
  • ketomum
    ketomum Community member Posts: 33 Connected
    when i received the phone call last week wednesday all that was said to me that my daughter will have an appointment in 2 weeks no date or time was given to me over the phone was just told to look out for a letter. I thought maybe by today the letter with the appointment date would've turned up. So I was just concerned that the letter would arrive close to when the assessment date is and i haven't informed her school that she would be off that day or even prepared myself mentally. Thanks again
  • ketomum
    ketomum Community member Posts: 33 Connected
    Good morning all, just a quick update. Yesterday morning I received a white envelope from capita confirming my daughters f2f assessment. This morning I received a text message from Capita also confirming the assessment. I will update after the assessment.