PIP Review - bit of a panic - award ends 30 October 2020 - when to expect the review

Ala Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
Hi, everybody. 
I would love to get some idea when exactly I should expect the Review Form to arrive.  My award is ending 30 October 2020 - I still haven't received the review form - and I would love to go away for most of December basically for Christmas.  
Any idea/advice?   Would appreciate any info regarding others experience.

I'm so ill, I only "see/spend time with humans" around Christmas time...  It could be even my last Christmas with family due to severity of my ME.
Last time I've waited all 2 years for the Tribunal - and it was a 2 years of pure mental torture... My brain just couldn't process the lies produced by assessors.
So that's why I'm panicking a bit.


  • DuffersMum
    DuffersMum Online Community Member Posts: 198 Empowering
    My husbands award ends in April 2020 and he received review forms in October, so you should receive yours 6 months prior to your end date.
  • Ala
    Ala Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    Thank you so much!!! 
    Let's hope you right!
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Your current award letter should tell you when you should be contacted.

    If your current award was made by tribunal then you will be contacted 14 weeks before the end date and you will need to make a new claim.

    If your current award was made by the DWP then you should receive a review letter 6 months before the end date. if this is the case then you should treat it as a new claim sending evidence etc.
  • Ala
    Ala Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    Thank you!
    It was tribunal.  
    Now you've made me wonder what happened last time round, as they've stooped my PIP just 9 months into my 2 year award...  Was this some extra special bullying...
    Then I had to wait 2 years for another tribunal...
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited November 2019
    Hello @Ala   Thank you for sharing  Please can I suggest get some help with any forms if when they  arrive.
    Please either contact CAB or use an welfare organisation to assist you.
    Please can I suggest speak to the organisation that deals with ME.
    Helpline 0844 576 5326
    Might offer a lot of support and information. Also help you with any forms or any thing benefits.
    Some organisations, charities have their own benefit advisors.
    Please if I can help further. I am one of the team of community champions.
    On the website. We help and advise members.
    Please take care.

  • Ala
    Ala Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    Thank you, I'll remember you!
    I have a lady from  a local Association for Disabled helping me.  However, she strongly believes, I will get a fair assessment  ONLY at the Tribunal stage.  She helped me to win 3 times - 1xESA and 2xPIP.  
    But I do feel I need much more help right from the start of the process.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Ala   Thank you for the reply.  The advice I have provided the links looked at myself. Lots of information might be worth having a look.
    From some one being doing benefits claims and assessments much more.
    Used mental health charities or disabled groups to help me with anything.
    Now use CAB have a dedicated team to help me fill in forms.
    I added the ME link never know what they might offer you.
    Some charities do attended assessments, mental health ones do.
    Reason I added the link was felt in your post. Your needed a lot more help.
    I am a gentleman middle fifties still get confused, muddled.
    Very much so.
    Understand if you need anything further tag my my name or if I can not help you I will either tag my friend who is one of the team on benefits  and has exceptional knowledge.
    To reassure you are not alone and please keep in touch, no problems. Do know a lot about anxiety and its effects if that is causing you a lot of distress.
    Please give you a organisation that will help you and assist you with your benefits, offer support ..  Do take clientele with additional disabilities as well mental health..

    I have a disability as well so used this one, sorry might not be in all areas if not look a these ones.

    Last one is an advocate charity helps those with mental health issues getting heard speaks on their behalf.
    I hope I have helped. Please if you get anxious nothing wrong admitting it and getting help, support.  Always here to listen anytime.
    Another avenue and path of support.
    Just an idea.
    Pleasure to meet you.
    Please take care.

  • Ala
    Ala Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected

    Thank you @thespiceman

    this will be very helpful. I've been looking for help, for someone to accompany me, for ages. I will definitely contact the mental health charities again. I've been through 3 Tribunals already, but I always had some great lady, from local disabled charity to accompany me there. Now she's retired and her replacement has very scary, limited understanding ofthe process. I have had most awful Athos assessors, in the past, making up staff and lies. I am going to call the Scope helpline to get ready, they've been recently helping me with my PIP and the've been really fantastic.

    Could anyone tell me, I am in the ESA Severe dissability group. Will I have to have an assesment on the UC? I'm just to unwell for any assesments, is there a way of getting it done as a paper based assesment.

    Is there any charityn trying to stop the migration?

    Thank you! All the best!

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,727 Online Community Programme Lead

    Good morning @Ala

    When you are migrated over to UC your ESA Support Group status will be transferred over, so you should be in LCWRA on UC from the start of your claim.