Neighbour noise nuisance

Nikki76 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
Can anyone help or give advice 

I have had nothing but noise nuisance from the women downstairs ,since the day l moved in,it's either loud music so the whole street hears,or it's slamming doors,banging crashing it constant l been to the housing association,she has numorous letters,but no she won't stop,she is not letting me live in my home,now she got a boyfriend and is l been complaining they are doing the noise more,and more,the boyfriend when he is there is banging on ceiling at me,cos l have to turn my tv up to volume 80,cos there noise is appalling ,the housing association are totally not realising,that l am now suicidal in my home with the noise issues,my mum has to call police on me,cos she worried cos l am in a state,over the noise,the housing association,got mediator involved and the noise has got worst,the mediator told me it's all in my head,and it's not,l have a support dog he shakes with her noise honest that's how bad it is
They people if they see me out the boyfriend is **** taking me,and all l doing is walking down street.
I told environmental health and honest to god they told me that women can do what she likes but me l gotta put up with it,this is unfair,the noise issues are seriously bad,and the women downstairs is using her mental health to do what she likes,l have mental health issues l am not causing this trouble for her
I have to move ask to be moved l don't think this is fair,is there any other way to sort this out cos no one is caring or helping me


  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    Hi @Nikki76

    I am truly sorry to learn about the problem noise that you are having to endure. I know exactly how this can affect us as I also had to suffer it 24/7 for 3+ years without anybody taking it seriously. 

    I can only suggest the following action which YOUR local authority may respond to and take notice of:

    Make a formal complaint against your Housing Association, and do the same against your local Council/Environmental Office. Also, make a Subject Access Request to your Council to ask for ALL correspondence relating to this matter which includes ALL information about you. They are legally bound to supply you with this within 40 calendar days.

    Once they have responded (and if the problem has still not been addressed) then make a formal complaint to your local MP and then in turn to the appropriate Ombudsmen if the matter still remains unresolved. 

    Mere 'hearsay' from others will not be sufficient to back up your claims. You will need confirmation in writing from those who also witness what you are suffering. I also kept a timed & dated 'record of events' on a day to day basis including photographs too (if you are able) and of course audio recordings would also assist with your claims against your neighbours. I would also consider calling the police if the noise continues into the night as they will also record this. 

    I know everybody suggests the Citizens Advice Bureau, but you would also do well by visiting them too if you can.

    My Best Wishes to You and please keep us informed... Nobody can imagine the pain that is caused by constant nuiscence noise unless they have to live with it. I myself am now addicted to sleeping pills because of it, despite me now being relocated away from it all.    
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Nikki76    pleased to meet you sorry to hear this.

    I am one of the team of community champions. 

    Please may I suggest if the mediator nor helping.

    Please may I advise using an advocate.

    If no one is listening to you and the Housing Association.

    Use this charity.

    Telephone  0121 522 7007

    Please can I ask do you have a support team or any helping you with your mental health.

    Use the following.

    Offer floating support advice on your mental heath, would help here.

    Might not be in all areas.

    Telephone 020 7697 3300

    Telephone  0300 123 3393

    Please I would advise one more link to look a t this is for legal advice.

    You may need it. All Housing Associations have a duty of care and if this is lacking then you may to look at some legal advice.

    I can imagine the stress, intimidation and much more is difficult for you.

    Please can I ask also have made a diary of anything.  Make notes dates, times I would add speak to the Police some of this is bordering on hate crime.

    Something I have done myself.

    I hope anything I have added is useful. Please contact me, anytime if I can help further.

    Please take care.


  • Nikki76
    Nikki76 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    Thanks for advice,l showed my mum,my mum thinks great advice,l am gonna do letters of complaint and on Friday l do have the number of local mp,so gonna call em Friday after Xmas holidays,my mum told to take pictures of the boyfriend cos he the one causing it,and her daughter they are all picking on me in my home
  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    Nikki76 said:
    Thanks for advice,l showed my mum,my mum thinks great advice,l am gonna do letters of complaint and on Friday l do have the number of local mp,so gonna call em Friday after Xmas holidays,my mum told to take pictures of the boyfriend cos he the one causing it,and her daughter they are all picking on me in my home
    If you feel threatened at any time, please call the police. Don't allow these people to take advantage of you or to bully you at all. 
  • Nikki76
    Nikki76 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    This is the problem the boyfriend comes round he makes a point he's there,and the daughter is causing problems for me too,this is what the council is not getting in to there heads,and they said it all acceptable to me and it's not 
  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    Nikki76 said:
    This is the problem the boyfriend comes round he makes a point he's there,and the daughter is causing problems for me too,this is what the council is not getting in to there heads,and they said it all acceptable to me and it's not 
    If the boyfriend is causing you disturbance and you feel threatened at all by him, then this is a matter which goes beyond your council, and I would consider reporting him to the police. The council may not deem it as being their problem (which is so often the case) as the boyfriend is not housed by the Council or the Housing Association, even though all tenants have a certain amount of responsibility for any of their visitors. If you report the boyfriend to the police, any further problems could then become a criminal offence rather than anything else beyond the council's jurisdiction.  
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited December 2019
    Hello @Nikki76   Thank you for reply.

    Please can I stress if you would please first contact any of the links I have provided.

    Not your MP.

    Reasons are first the charities have your best interests at heart. Second my story had a visit from floating support.

    Asked if I am happy here my home wanted to put in to another housing association, all clientele ex ones add those already resident members.

    Useful as they can help every one in one area.

    A poignant thought.

    Third had the neighbours from hell one place lived in, used the floating support to help and they found a solution.

    Got Police hate crime unit, had a word with Housing Association with an advocate.

    One of the things that Housing Associations do not like is undue publicity or some one telling them the major problems.

    Your sitting there are they speaking for you.

    All Housing Associations have a duty a code of care, some will and do not like it if outside influence cause some problems for them.

    I used rethink.  

    Might at all times speak to the police.

    One other relevant point harassment undercurrents threats are serious offence.

    Also one other my support worker here a feisty lady told my neighbour one time .

    How it is as she the neighbour in my face quick chat. Once that happened realised must add how ill making me.

    Suggestions to housing association write a Report.

    Soon changed .

    Please be careful I am concerned because you need to do this properly carefully and with in the perimeters of the law.

    You must get legal help use any of the links provided.

    Your choice or decision, might be in MP in tray for weeks.

    Use the advice could be more help.

    This my Housing  Association has supported housing mental heath and offers support workers.

    Moving has to be an option, just for your own security.

    I lived in a neighbour controlled by a family.

    Targeted vulnerable, elderly, disabled.

    Thinking of you tonight must do this now action not after holiday sooner the better.


  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    Hello @Nikki76   Thank you for reply.

    Please can I stress if you would please first contact any of the links I have provided.

    Not your MP.

    Reasons are first the charities have your best interests at heart. Second my story had a visit from floating support.

    Asked if I am happy here my home wanted to put in to another housing association, all clientele ex ones add those already resident members.

    Useful as they can help every one in one area.

    A poignant thought.

    Third had the neighbours from hell one place lived in, used the floating support to help and they found a solution.

    Got Police hate crime unit, had a word with Housing Association with an advocate.

    One of the things that Housing Associations do not like is undue publicity or some one telling them the major problems.

    Your sitting there are they speaking for you.

    All Housing Associations have a duty a code of care, some will and do not like it if outside influence cause some problems for them.

    I used rethink.  

    Might at all times speak to the police.

    One other relevant point harassment undercurrents threats are serious offence.

    Also one other my support worker here a feisty lady told my neighbour one time .

    How it is as she the neighbour in my face quick chat. Once that happened realised must add how ill making me.

    Suggestions to housing association write a Report.

    Soon changed .

    Please be careful I am concerned because you need to do this properly carefully and with in the perimeters of the law.

    You must get legal help use any of the links provided.

    Your choice or decision, might be in MP in tray for weeks.

    Use the advice could be more help.

    This my Housing  Association has supported housing mental heath and offers support workers.

    Moving has to be an option, just for your own security.

    I lived in a neighbour controlled by a family.

    Targeted vulnerable, elderly, disabled.

    Thinking of you tonight must do this now action not after holiday sooner the better.


    Hi @thespiceman and my wishes for a Happy Christmas to you...

    My reason for advising writing to the MP was only based upon my own experience, and it is (if you like) a last resort after any complaints to the council etc. have not resolved the issue. Also, it is usually the case that your MP has to be contacted first if you then consider taking up the matter with an Ombudsmen. It is vital that you take each procedure step by step by before you can go to the top otherwise it's a waist of time and a lot of additional heartache along the way. 
  • Nikki76
    Nikki76 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    I have just emailed something called victimsupport that deals with neighbour issues,it said something called where they give advice support,and if there is risk involved they will get police involved,the daughter is a nightmare she provokes me,provokes me,she comes in slamming doors,crashing,banging,everything then she comes here playing loud music so whole street hears,the women downstairs had a house and was evicted from there same thing,they stuck her under me,and she is doing same thing to me now,the neighbour next door is elderly in her 60s,she knocks my door in fear cos her noise,crying the stress here is unbelievable, l told the elderly resident to help me cos l been complaining,she is terrified to complain,absolutely terrified,she has mental health to she comes round asking me for help cos she wants to kill herself,so l call ambulance or police,to help,this is the trouble her noise is causing l even told the housing,about this but they think l am deluded and I'm not 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Roddy   Thank you for kind words, I just got my support team involved.

    Richmond fellowship big organisation many in house advisors as they  are these big organisations.

    Mental health used the floating support and the advocate service RETHINK.

    Also Police hate crime unit does the usual visit and went to neighbours who were causing issues.

    I agree with you step by step just this was a quick simple solution.

    Nothing like a burly PC coming around the estate, bullies must remember are cowards at heart and sometimes a presence does a lot of good.

    Had a CSO come around every week works wonders as some neighbours became shrinking violets over night.

    Keep away. Never bother me, I am a Christian but some of the neighbours met became difficult, spoke about it before.

    Understand have compassion, time and have empathy for every one having problems.

    Meant to ask sorry have not spoken for a while everything OK.

    Benefits or anything new home going Ok any problems can help with.

    As you know your important too as well.

    On here Xmas time as I am officially grumpy old man of the season, scrooge related some where along the line. lol...

    Please if your lonely need a friend tag me in, be on here.

    Pleased to meet you once again.

    Keep warm and safe.


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Nikki76   Really am so sorry to hear this obviously a lot of stress.

    Anxiety and do understand, please I know you contacted this support group victim support.

    I understand have a lot of time for members going through this, my concern is the retaliation my thoughts can and be used against you.

    Contacting the Police, the links I gave you is often useful to consider please do also. @Roddy has given some excellent guidance .

    It does annoy me irks me that no one helping you but this has happened to me.

    Sometimes that the support you need no one is listening but if you do ring the links and please do.

    I am sure you be helped and given a lot of reassurance, you need tot think about your safety my concern, care.

    Please contact me and please wish  to talk am here anytime just tag my name .

    Happy to be supportive.


  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    Hello @Nikki76   Really am so sorry to hear this obviously a lot of stress.

    Anxiety and do understand, please I know you contacted this support group victim support.

    I understand have a lot of time for members going through this, my concern is the retaliation my thoughts can and be used against you.

    Contacting the Police, the links I gave you is often useful to consider please do also. @Roddy has given some excellent guidance .

    It does annoy me irks me that no one helping you but this has happened to me.

    Sometimes that the support you need no one is listening but if you do ring the links and please do.

    I am sure you be helped and given a lot of reassurance, you need tot think about your safety my concern, care.

    Please contact me and please wish  to talk am here anytime just tag my name .

    Happy to be supportive.


    It is so sadly very true that noise disturbance is looked upon seriously. I had to endure this 24/7 for 3+ years without one single night of reprieve which caused me at times to have no more than 3 hours of unbroken sleep in two weeks. My health deteriorated rapidly and I also became suicidal due to nobody doing anything about it whatsoever. The noise only stopped once I was relocated however the same person is currently destroying the life another at the same address. The person was also reported by previous residents too. The additional problem is that because He always got away with it, He would make more noise on purpose.