Esa Medical Review



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,397 Championing
    It's been canceled, nothing will happen.
  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    Thank you ? 
  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    Hi is Adrian able to help me and brother? Not heard anything ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,397 Championing
    I can only assume that he hasn't worked this week yet, i know admin don't work 7 days a week. I wouldn't worry about it too much at the moment because nothing will happen until he receives the money in his back. Once he has it then he'll need to report the changes.
  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    Hi poppy, thanks for replying, i understand that but as per original question there are other things that may cause problems and we need help with thst. ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,397 Championing
    I understand that too but nothing will happen with his UC until the money goes into his bank and that hasn't happened yet.

    If you are still worried and it seems like you are then you can ring Scope for advice.  The number to ring is 0808 800 3333

  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    Hi is it freephone? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,397 Championing
    Yes 0808 numbers are free and have been since 1997.
  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    Hi, that's good. Ill give it another day in case Adrian responds and also i can't call today for my brother and he's not good at calling himself. Really appreciate your help ??
  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    @poppy123456 hope you're staying safe, and that you're looking after yourself? My brother got inheritance yesterday, over 16k, we have obviously cancelled and had his UC stopped. We spoke to ESA contribution based this morning and they haven't had any notifications yet from UC as only done yesterday. She then told me his next review is now due March 2022 (when they have always told us it was due May 2020) and she couldn't tell us yet if he is still entitled to ESA contribution-based even though he's in support group and to call back next week to give more time for them to get confirmation that UC is closed. Surely as it is ESA contribution-based and he has been in support group since 2013, he should still be entitled until his next reaasement? THANK YOU 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,397 Championing
    I'm good thanks. Hope you're well too.

    Contributions based ESA is not affected by savings and this will continue to be paid. The timescale they give is just a guide and nothing more, you can be reassessed anytime from 3 months.

    If he's claiming council tax reduction then he needs to contact his local council regarding his savings because he will no longer be entitled.
  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    Hey Poppy, difficult times yes we'll call council tax later. She told me that because his ESA award was linked to his UC it may mean he won't get his ESA contribution based and only stamps. Im confused! Will his pip continue? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,397 Championing
    His ESA has nothing to do with UC, payments are deducted from UC but that's it. His ESA will continue to be paid because it's not means tested.

    PIP isn't means tested and will continue as normal.
  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    Thank you. Stay safe ?
  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    Poppy forgot to add, my brothers inheritance went in the day after his assessment period ended and UC told him that because of that reason, even though his claim is now closed he is still entitled to that payment because inheritance was paid into account the day after his assessment period finished. We asked them if he needed to send statement but they said no, only when he reclaims. I thought they would want it in advance, just bit puzzled ?
  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    Did your daughter have baby? ❤️
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,397 Championing
    Sorry, i didn't see this. Yes, he will still be entitled to that final payment, as advised by DWP.

    Yes, he was born a week ago today weighing 8Ib. We were able to see him before the lockdown was put into place, thankfully. He's gorgeous and looks just like my daughter!
  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    Congratulations ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,397 Championing
    Thank you!! <3
  • Tina66
    Tina66 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Connected
    @poppy123456 hey Poppy, are you staying well, staying safe? What strange times we are in. As advised we let the council tax know about brothers inheritance and all information in an email to them and they replied that they are awaiting for confirmation from UC and can't give him a revised bill yet! I don't understand as why would they need this information now when we have told them he's not in receipt ? (he's still entitled to esa contribution-based and pip although this doesn't effect it) thank you ?