CVS and applying for PIP

Mags97 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
My son who is now 17 has had cvs for around eight years now after our hospital constantly diagnosing him for two years previous with "rumbling appendix", so was then referred to a gastro specialist. Now years later and still having very frequent attacks but has developed ibd which is being investigated further, my question is would it be worth his time to apply for pips?
This illness has a very negative effect on his health (mental and phsycial) and made him so socially excluded
Any advice would be great 


  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    edited January 2020
    Hi @Mags97 and I'm sorry your son is struggling with this.

    Have you looked at the PIP descriptors? This will give you an indication about whether or not your son would be able to claim.

    Please bare in mind that PIP isn't about diagnosis, but how your life is impacted. 
    PIP components

    PIP has 2 parts:
    • daily living component for people who need help or are struggling to take part in everyday life
    • mobility component for people who find it hard to get around
    Each component has a standard or enhanced level, assessed under 12 activities, 10 for daily living and 2 for mobility. For both components, you need:
    • 8 to 11 points for the standard rate
    • 12 points or more for the enhanced rate
    To qualify, you must have met the conditions for 3 months and be likely to meet them for the next 9 months.

    Here is more information about PIP and the process of applying.

    This is an American organisation but you might find the information on The Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Association (CVSA) useful.

    If you have anymore questions then please do let us know. :)