marion61 Community member Posts: 13 Connected
My autistic teenager has just been awarded LCWRA which I am told is due for the end of this month, however when I asked someone from the job centre they said that this would be the total now for each month for my daughter. However when I applied for her I was led to believe that this would be in addition to the amount she currently gets per month of £251.77. Can someone please help me to understand what the total award is likely to be as I am now told this is not confirmed until a week before the 30 January?


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,584 Championing

    The LCWRA element is an extra £336 per month on top of what she already receives. The waiting period is full assessment periods and then i'd paid from the 4th month of her claim. When it starts will depend on what date she first claimed UC and what date she sent her first fit note.
  • marion61
    marion61 Community member Posts: 13 Connected
    Thank you Poppy this is exactly what I have been asking the Universal Credit people as well as the job centre to explain but both came back with far from straight forward answers for me. The job centre implied this would be the total amount she would receive instead of the £251.77 she is currently receiving from September last year and the online page for Universal Credit would not confirm anything other than she has been awarded LCWRA of £336 to start from the end of this month and I had to wait until the statement appears a week before payment! So it makes more sense to say that her monthly amount will now be £587.77 then as of the end of the month, which they could have just said that!!!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,584 Championing
    You're welcome. DWP are not the best people to ask to explain anything  because they mostly read from a screen.
  • marion61
    marion61 Community member Posts: 13 Connected
    No I think of it yes you are right I was just told what they had on the screen, thanks again.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,649 Online Community Programme Lead
    I'm glad @poppy123456 was able to help you @marion61. Keep an eye on her next statement to ensure they've added the LCWRA element. Sadly it does happen that they don't action it in time or miscalculate the wait period.
  • marion61
    marion61 Community member Posts: 13 Connected
    Hopefully that will not happen as they have it on the system a letter saying she has been awarded the money and her category change to no longer need to look for work. 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,584 Championing
    That doesn't mean they won't add the LCWRA correctly because it does happen when they miscalculate when it's supposed to start.
  • Martin2019
    Martin2019 Community member Posts: 44 Contributor
    Keep an eye on your Universal Credit statement, they missed paying us my LCWRA at first and when we questioned it they then corrected it and paid us what we were owed.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,649 Online Community Programme Lead
    Great advice @Martin2019. It's not uncommon for them to make mistakes and you should thoroughly check your statements every month.