I am sure I am far from alone but..



  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    Well I had my WCA Tribunal today -and it was adjourned after 10 minutes because the DWP missed out vital pages of the bundle we both got so the Judge couldn't make a decision. They now want a year's worth of medical records from before my medical. 

    Also been told they want to see my PIP bundle - I pointed out that I have a tribunal in 2 weeks time and they should already have it  - Let's hope it's not postponed also. The judge wanted to know what I was awarded and what for. Is it usual for them to ask about PIP during a WCA hearing? Is it so she can deduce that the PIP assessment backs up the limited capability? I thought they were both separate? 

    I am more confused now - not sure if I should have ever appealed and although I can't lose my UC I have got it in my head I could well lose my PIP.. But only as I don't know any better. 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @soconfused, have you heard anything since? It must be extra tricky to be going through the process twice. Yes PIP is separate, but they may look at what you have been award. Please do let us know how you get on. :)
  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    hi @Chloe_Scope. No I am waiting to get hold of the information the Tribunal requested - I have my PIP one tomorrow morning. I am shitting myself because the Judge ha already seen me on a good day - going to be hard to show her a bad one! (assuming it is the same judge and doctor) 

    But i'll let you know. 
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  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    Thanks @bekindalways. That back payment was quick! They can drag their heals for up to 6 weeks if they wish

    hi @Chloe_Scope. I had my Tribunal - I have to say the Judge and Doctor were lovely. I didn't interact with the Disability Expert. Someone from DWP was there and we did speak briefly also about the WCA stuff which I found odd - but maybe they are wanting to sort both at the same time? . They wanted to speak about the anxiety and driving stuff - I was 2 points short of Enhanced so if they go in my favour I will have 20. If they don't then I won't. There were 10 people in the room. I was sweating like a hot cake but I did explain why I was so nervous. Turns out my anxiety and stuff was mentioned in the WCA report but I didn't remember that - so that's good means it's been noted for longer than I thought it had.

    Assuming they don't strip me of either UC or PIP nothing will change and I will be no worse off. 

    Now I have to wait for the letter. It took about 2 days last time for them to send me something  they wanted me to pass on.  (and my hearing was at 3PM)  So I will know either way by Monday/Tuesday

    In life I never expect anything but the worst - so I won't be so disappointed when they say no, if they say no. 
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  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    okay thanks I might give them a call tomorrow then! The decision would have been made today anyway so they will know. 
  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    They wouldn't tell me - just said a letter was on the way... 
  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    edited February 2020
    Hi @Chloe_Scope and @bekindalways

    And the letter has arrived.

    The Appeals is ALLOWED!!

    Dated from 23/3/2019 to 24/03/2023 so 2 years extension and they gave me 4 points in planning a journey when the DA gave me 0! which means I went from 10-14 points for Enhanced Mobility!

    I am SO happy and the decision was so quick. (Literally came out of the tribunal 11:45 yesterday) All seems to have been mainly on my doctors letter. And my anxiety was also mentioned in my WCA report but I didn't know this - so now I hope the tribunal also goes my way for that 

    So this is a good result right? :smile:
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  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    Thanks. I am glad I went for the Tribunal and I am glad I have got a years worth of backpay coming. -and also I have had an extra 2 years put onto my PIP award for both parts, 
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  • soconfused
    soconfused Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor
    Thanks! It was due to my carer being there and my Doctor's letter - they said so in the letter :)

    I am now looking to see what sort of scooter I can get - I don't want a car anyway 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Really glad to hear this @soconfused! Thank you for letting us know. :)