I need new flooring, any financial help available?

A_bc123456 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
I'm a single mum and I am in pip and esa I have been in my property for 3yrs and have no flooring recently soial services have been in mine and my daughter life I can't afford flooring and need some help please 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing
    HI and welcome,

    I'm one of the community champions here on scope and i'm here to help and advise others.

    There maybe some charities that could help you with some funding for a grant for carpets/flooring. Some links here may help you by putting your post code in. https://grants-search.turn2us.org.uk/

    Your local council may also do grants for things like this but it will depend on individual local councils and you'll need to speak to them regarding this.

    As you're claiming ESA then there's a budgeting loan you can apply for, providing you've been claiming Income Related ESA for at least 6 months. As you have a child then the maximum you can apply for is £812 but any other budgeting loans will affect the amount you can borrow. This needs to be repaid back from future ESA payments but it's interest free. Apply online is the quicket way. See link.

  • A_bc123456
    A_bc123456 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thank you for your email 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,735 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @A_bc123456. How are you getting on? Have you been able to find any grants or charities that can help you with this? It might be worth speaking with the social services team you're involved with as they may have other ideas for help in your area.