Home Assessment

T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener
Hi there everyone 

I have a home assessment Friday for esa and I’m Absolutely poo in my pants I am already on work-related I have been for the last 3year but my conditions have got worse do you 12 DDDD generative disc’s  in my back so I’m hoping to be in the support group is there any advice or tips to be given I would really appreciate it it’s my first time having a home assessment due to my mobility and pain 

I was just wondering if the Home assessment is like the assessment it is in the centre and do they ask for medical notes And did I ask you to do a medical exam



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,102 Championing

    A home assessment is the same as one in their assessment centre, the only difference is that it's in your home. There's no advantage to having a home assessment rather than one in their centre.

    When you filled out the form did you send relevant evidence with it to support your claim? They rarely contact anyone for any of this. You can certainly try to give it to the HCP during the assessment but sometimes with home assessment they refuse to accept it on the day, as this has happened to me in the past.

    You will be assessed on your ability to do any type of work because ESA is about the work you can do and not the work you can't do. You will need to verify what you wrote in the form as well as any additional information they ask you.

    If they ask you to do anything that causes you pain and discomfort then you can refuse to do it but make sure you tell them why you're unable to do it.

    They will watch you during the assessment so do be aware of that.

    Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • T1991
    T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener
    Hi there poppy

    And no they haven’t sent me anything out to fill in Last time I filled one in was about two years ago and was waiting for a home assessment I contacted them to ask about the form and they said you don’t need to send anything in anymore
    They’re just making an appointment to do a home assessment on you witch I’m really confused about 

    I’m just really scared that the score me zero Points as I have been reading all the comments and have been refused To having a degenerated discs and problems with sciatica as it’s a common cause  obviously the pain is got that bad sometimes I don’t even know of weed myself And my arm constantly being locked
  • pigeon55
    pigeon55 Community member Posts: 116 Contributor
    Good morning I can only tell you of my experience. The first assessment at I had a notice from dwp that I was due an assessment and I need do nothing.  I spoke to my local cab office and was told to send them as much information as possible as usually they will assess on information they have and wont take any on the day. I sent in every pice of medical and other things that effected my disability.  I came out well. Good look with your assessment. 
  • T1991
    T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener
    Hi ther @pigeon55 thank you for your reply x 

    where do I get the Evidence from the doctors ?? As I’m pending another MRI scan on my hip I’m been sent for a nerve test in my leg But I haven’t attended yet because I’m still waiting for the appointment ?? Dose that matter x 

    what did u send it for you Disability I would affect you

    And fingers crossed thank you very much mate
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,102 Championing
    T1991 said:
    Hi there poppy

    And no they haven’t sent me anything out to fill in Last time I filled one in was about two years ago and was waiting for a home assessment I contacted them to ask about the form and they said you don’t need to send anything in anymore
    They’re just making an appointment to do a home assessment on you witch I’m really confused about 

    I’m just really scared that the score me zero Points as I have been reading all the comments and have been refused To having a degenerated discs and problems with sciatica as it’s a common cause  obviously the pain is got that bad sometimes I don’t even know of weed myself And my arm constantly being locked

    The advice you were given that they no longer send them out id definitely not correct. They have always sent them and have done since i've claimed ESA from 2012. I've had 3 reassessments in that time, 2 face to face and 1 paper based and have received a form each time.

    Your future appointments are not classed as evidence because it doesn't tell them anything about how your conditions affect them. All it tells them is that you are waiting an appointment, which isn't useful.

    Sending huge amounts of medical evidence if it isn't useful really isn't helpful either. Most medical records contain things which aren't useful.

    You can request your medical records from your GP and it's free to receive digital copies but with your assessment on Friday this doesn't give you much time.

    I looked back at your previous thread regarding this and i see that i did advise you that if they wouldn't send you the form to print it off online, fill it in and send it to them before your assessment. Did you do this?
  • T1991
    T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener
    @poppy123456 I’ve just called the health Assessment Department and they’ve Just basically said They receive my last Questionnaire form in 2018 reviewed in 2019 and  January 2020 obviously because the length of The waiting time for the home assessment has Taken so long  to for them to come out to my property has it’s taken two years for !! 

    As I told the woman on the phone that I haven’t received any questionnaire for a couple of years now she just said when the health assessment comes out to you this week just add the information that is given Due to your health and medication As I’ve said my medical conditions got worse

    So now I’ve just contacted the doctor asking for my medical records and a letter supporting me from My doctor she said it wouldn’t be done for Friday and I ask if the DWP have asked for any medical records and or a letter And she said no nothing is been requested
  • pigeon55
    pigeon55 Community member Posts: 116 Contributor
    I sent copies of scans from the hospital wich I got from them as my gp  didn't have them all. And got other information from my gp regarding my disability and my diagnosis of my depression and anxiety. Then put a letter together stating how my condition effects my daily living and my ability to do things. 
  • T1991
    T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener

    thats brilliant I’m sure my doctor will do This for me if I need anything hopefully they don’t asked me and get out me on the support group do you have the same problem as me with back problems and depression x 
  • pigeon55
    pigeon55 Community member Posts: 116 Contributor
    Nerve and disc damage arthritis to most joints 2 replacements. Depression and anxiety wich cause many problems. Most annoying though is my tinnitus wouldn't wish that on anyone. 
    Hope all goes well for you. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,102 Championing
    Home assessments can often take a long time especially for the work capability assessment but that length of time is ridiculous because it's that form they will use the information from.

    Regarding contacting your GP, they rarely do this. Do you not have any evidence at home that you can use to support your claim? I usually keep all my evidence in a file which makes it easier to get hold of when it's needed for things like this.

  • T1991
    T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener
    Ouch that’s sound nasty it’s horrible isn’t The pain just dosent go away neither gets better 

    I have nerve problems aswel Absolutely kills me Wished they’d chop my leg off and get me out of the pain 

    same I have depression and anxiety aswel but that’s due to the pain  xx 
    hope u get better soon @pigeon55
  • T1991
    T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener

    i literally have nothing no evidence what so ever i never have had just doctors letters for my appointments and we thrown all the out when we moved home 

    the doctor may have but the letter she say me just as saying what medication I’m on how many time I have to take 

    l4 l5 Dehydrated this with a fuse bulge 
    whitch was from 2016 when I had my mri and I’ve been in pain ever since 

    put I’ve noticed everything down to my doctor about my nerve condition how bad the pain is in my back I we my self 
    mans not being able to walk because my hip feel like it’s coming out my socket and not being able to daily activity just to muscle weakness so now  my moms my career 

    ive ask for other mri scans u can o my have one every 5year but now I’m Conditions worse there’s something else going on with it x 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,102 Championing
    If your GP is going to charge for a letter that contains just that information then it would be pointless. You can get a print out of all your existing medication from the receptionist at your GP practice and there won't be any charge for this.

    If it's the mobilising descriptor you think applies to you for the Support Group then do be aware that they will take into consideration your ability to use a self propel wheelchair because this is part of that descriptor.

    Good luck with the assessment on Friday.
  • T1991
    T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener
    my mom has just been to collect my medical report but dosent say a fat lot on there 

    but the doctors have said for my doctor to write a letter Describing my pain and how it effects me it would be 65pound ?????????? 

    a bloody wheel chair I’m only 27 and that’s not fair even tho I’m struggling walking I’m already underPressure because of my health let alone a wheelchair that would make me more depressed 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,102 Championing
    A GP will very often charge for writing a supporting letter and they aren't really the best evidence to send because a GP will very rarely know how your conditions affect you.

    The wheel chair is part of the criteria for mobilising for the support group. See link for support group descriptors. At least one of them needs to apply the majority of the time. 

  • T1991
    T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener
    Thank you beaut @poppy123456

    well I’ve been and seen her today I didn’t ask for anything as yet as I may not need it but they may ! 

    but obviously I have ongoing mris coming throw the post for my hole of my back and neck and a nerve conduction test  As my condition is worse will that go against me due to not having then already ?? 
  • T1991
    T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener
    I do have pink walking sticks ? will that help me 
  • T1991
    T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener
    edited February 2020

    I poppy I’ve had my medical assessment at home everything went well bearing in mind it was only for 10mintues as I had a bad night last night and he could see I was in pain still he didn’t ask much just about my medication and how I cope with it day to day there wasn’t any Physical Exercises as he could see I was in pain

    what do u recommend from that hun 

    and a nothing quick question do they contact pips?? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,102 Championing
    I'm glad it went ok. It's impossible to predict anything at this stage i'm afraid. Wait a week and ring DWP to request a copy of the assessment report, from that you'll have some idea what the decision is likely to be because they mostly go with the report. If you don't understand it then post here and someone will help you. You'll need to look for the LCW and LCWRA recommendations towards the back of the report.

    No, they don't contact PIP department because PIP and ESA are totally different benefits, with different criteria.
  • T1991
    T1991 Community member Posts: 33 Listener
    @poppy123456 thank you sweet I’ll be back in contact with u all soon xx did u say it was 7 days from having your assessment so I’ll phone next Friday ?? X