
bevvy1966 Online Community Member Posts: 77 Connected
Hi, my trubrunal is coming up in over a week.. I've added a extra person to come with me, but can u remove the person who is originally down! If I do this will it effect my claim


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    HI @bevvy1966 Welcome to the community I am a community champion here. Sorry I don't have the specific answer to your query but will tag in someone who will @poppy123456. I would give the tribunal court a call and ask the question 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,367 Championing

    By a representative do you mean someone from an advice centre or do you mean someone that will just go with you on the day, like a family member or friend? There's a difference between the 2. A representative will present your case but anyone else will just be there with you for support.  Either way, i believe it doesn't matter if you take someone other than the person you put down on the form.

    If this person isn't your appointee then you will need to answer all the questions yourself.
  • bevvy1966
    bevvy1966 Online Community Member Posts: 77 Connected
    I'll just leave it has it is, but my rep cannot speak for me anyway, apparently
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,367 Championing
    A rep is there to present your case. The only person that knows how your conditions affect you is yourself.
  • bevvy1966
    bevvy1966 Online Community Member Posts: 77 Connected
    Ok, am just going to leave it the way it is, just hopefully my representative will be well enough on the day, has she goes in hospital on the Friday, only for minor surgery, she will be out same day