Train and bus travel

hdeakin Scope Member Posts: 123 Empowering
I am hoping to try a train and bus journey later this year. I have never been on a train or bus since being a powerchair user due to pain which is worsened by bumps and vibrations. I have always travelled by WAV.

I know there are some horror stories. What do I need to do? Any advice and tips would be gratefully received.
Are all buses accessible?

Many thanks,



  • laura222
    laura222 Online Community Member Posts: 82 Empowering
    Hi Hannah!

    I recently started taking the bus using my powerchair earlier this year and I absolutely love it! There are a couple of things that you definitely need to be good humoured about if you're going to avoid getting too stressed about the shortcomings. In my experience (and it is limited experience!) I found that I had to get used to feeling a bit awkward about trying to squeeze on since my chair is quite wide, and then having to reverse into the space while everyone is looking at you. I just have to laugh at myself when I end up having to shuffle back and forth to line up properly.

    I don't know whether all buses are accessible, you should be able to check online before you travel. I've found that the drivers have always done their part in lowering the bus and bringing out the ramp.

    My only tip would be to try and travel outside of school drop-off and pick-up times if you can. If there's somebody already using the space with a buggy that can't fold then you'll have to wait for the next bus.

    Hope that helps!
  • hdeakin
    hdeakin Scope Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    Thanks @laura222 I am glad you are enjoying it. These things are really useful to know. Many thanks ?
  • Firefly123
    Firefly123 Online Community Member Posts: 526 Empowering
    Always book ahead for passenger transport when using the train. Makes it so much less stressful x
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Booking train assistance is definitely recommended, you would need to do this at least 24 hours before you plan to travel. :)
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I have read all your advise on this as I am interested myself in trying to get out and about a bit more using public transport instead of using expensive taxis all the time and also to take my son with me as he has never been on a bus and I want to teach him where the stops are etc. It is very scary thought but I need tro be brave and try this out, maybe when the weather is a bit better so I am grateful for all the tips
  • hdeakin
    hdeakin Scope Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    Thank you @Firefly123 and @Chloe_Scope ?
  • hdeakin
    hdeakin Scope Member Posts: 123 Empowering
    What is travel training @Username_removed
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    hdeakin said:
    What is travel training @Username_removed

    Independent Travel Training focuses on enabling individuals with disabilities to travel independently to and from school, college and other social activities.

    The trainee is accompanied by the Independent Travel Trainer on their journeys until they are able to travel independently. This enables them to travel independently at their own pace and, while challenging them to achieve, allows them to reach a level of attainment with which they are comfortable.