I have pain in my shoulder for over 6 months

SusanL Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
I have pain in my shoulder for over 6 months,  I also have,nostalgia which I was coping with but this new pain came around 6 moths ago,  it is focused in my lower shoulder n the left and so severe sometime I collapse with it, painkillers are not working.  The f=doctors say it may be incurable,  burned nave endings or something like this, has anyone any help or advice they an give please.  I feel as if I am going  crazy it is absorbing my head all day and night.  I meditate,  stretch,  exercise but it is now taking over my life.  


  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Hi @SusanL and welcome to the Community.  It is nice to meet you and thank you for sharing with us.  I am sorry to hear of your health struggles, but unfortunately within this forum, we are not medically qualified and are unable to advise on how best to help with your current medical issue.  However, some members may have experienced a similar situation and if so, maybe able to share their experiences with you.  I can appreciate how much the pain must be upsetting you.  Would you be able to seek a second opinion from another GP?  Maybe they would be able to suggest another form of medication or therapy to ease the pain.  I hope the pain eases for you soon anyway and wish you well.  :smile:
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community, it may be worth asking your GP to refer you to a specialist or pain management clinic. I have experienced severe shoulder pain which I had surgery for a few years agfo so I know full well how the pain can affect you. I hope you manage to get something sorted
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @SusanL - Welcome to the community from me too. You are doing all the right sort of things to distract, & help, with your shoulder pain. However, may I add one proviso, as a physio (altho I haven't worked as such for a very long time), exercise is definitely good, but don't do movements that increase your pain. Stay within the 'pain-free arc.' Pain is a vicious cycle, so movement that causes increased pain may just add to this.
    You might try moving your shoulder using gravity. Stand up, then leaning forward, let your left arm hang down, then move your arm backwards & forwards, & from side to side, again staying within the 'pain-free arc.
    Other than that, I can only agree that going back to your GP, or seeking another GP's opinion may be the way forward. My best wishes to you also.  :)