Hi, my name is samfits99!

samfits99 Online Community Member Posts: 155 Contributor
Hi everyone. 

I just would like some advice please. I’m Sammie. I got awarded PIP for 5 years, my claim runs out on March 25th 2021. I called up to see when I will get the forms they said it would be September/ October time and said I have a bit of time left so don’t need to keep calling up. Stupid question but what do they mean? Sorry I am a bit slow people. they just say I have a bit of time left ( I had a paper based assessment), as I am aggressive and have a lot of issues so can’t attend them. when the forms come again will I have to write it all out again? someone said it won’t be as big this time when I get the form is this correct? thank you everyone that gets back to my big post I really do appreciate it. 


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @samfits99   Pleased to meet you.

    Thank you for joining and sharing.

    I am one of the team Community Champions.  We guide and advise support members of our community.

    Please can I ask have you received any support regarding aggression?

    Counselling or therapy.

    I would suggest these mental health may help worth considering.

    Dealing with anger, aggression I know is a difficult problems to deal with.

    Every one is entitled to good mental health and any issues.

    Own personal circumstances.




    All offer floating support, benefit advice and well being and health.

    Would help be supportive here especially your benefits and health.

    Might not be in all areas and self refer through website or speak to your GP.

    I know have a member of our team who is exceptional and has expertise, lots of knowledge.

    @poppy123456 .  Been in touch to advise you here.

    Please take care.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    HI and welcome.

    Thanks @thespiceman for the tag.

    PIP reviews now take place 6 months before the award is due to end and this is why they told you it would be September/October. You'll be sent PIP review forms (shorter version)

    However, all claims by claimants should be treated as a new claim and you should write as much information as possible on the forms and give a couple of real life examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you. Do not be fooled by the shorter version forms.

    Send relevant evidence to support your claim because they rarely contact anyone for this. Most people have face to face assessments. If there's enough of evidence to do a paper based assessment then this will be done. As you say you don't do face to face assessments then it's even more important that you write as much information as possible.

    Hope this helps.
  • samfits99
    samfits99 Online Community Member Posts: 155 Contributor
    Thank you so much for your replies I appreciate it from you all. the health provider contacted my doctor and my doctor have advised the Health Provider & DWP to do a paper based assessment and they have said it’s not going to go a head with information they have received about my anger and aggression. and that’s why they did a paper based assessment ( last time ). I’ve also been told don’t be fooled by the short version. so thanks for that. I did ask them would I get a letter before September/ October they said no you won’t. does that seem normal? I thought they would want to get me in ASAP? my award is till March 25 2021. I have more evidence. my psychiatrist said if nothing has changed and they still have the same information with more then more than likely they will just award it again as you can’t go to the assessments because there is a high risk you could explode. Your reply would be highly appreciated! 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You're welcome. Being sent the review forms 6 months before is perfectly normal yes because that's when forms are sent for all reviews.
  • samfits99
    samfits99 Online Community Member Posts: 155 Contributor
    Thank you, Poppy. they said they have received information from my doctors and when an assessment date is due it wouldn't go ahead. and they will be doing a paper-based assessment which is great! the health provider said because of the aggression we wouldn't allow it to go ahead with information we have received. where can i find the review or renewal form ? as people said it will be a shorter version. im trying to find it on google but can't. just so i can have a nosey. once again appreciate your replies excellent service! :) 
  • samfits99
    samfits99 Online Community Member Posts: 155 Contributor
    Thank you very much for the link. it’s not as big as the other one. PIP said I have a long way off yet is that correct? they said you don’t need to think about it now as you have some time off. I asked would I be assessed soon and they said NO. ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It's because it's a review form (shorter version of the PIP2 form) you will be sent that form 6 months before the award is due to end (which will be September) It's about 7 months before you receive this so relax for a little while because there's nothing you can do in the meantime, other than make sure you have evidence ready.
  • samfits99
    samfits99 Online Community Member Posts: 155 Contributor
    Thank you poppy. ? 7 months away that’s probably why they said I have some time left. the evidence I sent them I will be sending the ( same evidence ) as previous , with more additional evidence, would you still send the same evidence in? obviously I will be sending more evidence in. also once they have received it does it take weeks for them to get back to you? once again thank you for the super speedy replies. star! 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You're welcome.

    If you've previously sent the evidence then there's no need to send it again. Sending huge amounts of evidence is not needed because it won't be read. You also need to be very careful doing this just in case there's any contradictions between 1 evidence and the other. Less is often more and if it's not relevant don't send it at all.

    There's never any times scales for any decisions, backlogs are just part of the reason a decision can be delayed. Your form and evidence will be sent to the health assessment providers because a report will be written, whether you have a paper based or a face to face assessment.

    There's really no other advice i can give right now. Once you receive the forms. if you have any questions then please post back here and i'm sure someone with advise you further.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @samfits99 Hello and welcome to the community as per th advice given you don't need to worry about the reassessment for now other than gathering any relevant evidence. As said they state not to send in any evidence that they already have you just need o send any additional since your last review. Sit back and relax for now but please get in touch for any advice once you start the process again
  • samfits99
    samfits99 Online Community Member Posts: 155 Contributor
    @janer1967 thank you for your message I really do appreciate it. I suffer from severe paranoia and have a lot of other issues that affects me day 2 day. but won’t go into it all. they said to me from reading the notes and information they have received they are going to do another paper based assessment or just renew it. I was made up when they said that! 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry too much about it right now because you have 6 months before you receive the review forms.
  • samfits99
    samfits99 Online Community Member Posts: 155 Contributor
    @poppy123456 I no what your saying. I have some time left yet. How are you so clued up? do you work for PIP or have done. as you seem to no a lot. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    No, i don't work for DWP and never have done. My knowledge comes from my own personal experience (i claim PIP and ESA) and further extensive research into the benefit system.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I had paper based last review and yes was very relieved especially as I didnt request it or expect it. Thought I would have another f2f
     As been said b4 try put it out of your mind for a while 
  • samfits99
    samfits99 Online Community Member Posts: 155 Contributor
    @janer1967 I will do thank you. Hopefully they will grant me another 5 years. tbh I have that much evidence even if they didn’t I would go to tribunal. I would never give up what’s legally and rightfully mine. 
  • samfits99
    samfits99 Online Community Member Posts: 155 Contributor
    @poppy123456 your knowledge is fantastic. and will help loads of people out as well. I’m not going to think about it anymore , I no it will be another paper based because of my anger and aggression with other factors which I won’t get into. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Thanks for the kind words. :) I've already helped thousands of people here and i'll continue to do that for as long as i can.
  • samfits99
    samfits99 Online Community Member Posts: 155 Contributor
    @poppy123456 you seem like a nice human being. I take my hat off to people like you. I have ADHD and many other things which I won’t go into. I have all the signs off autism. similar traits. would I need to get a referral from my doctors ? as it’s affecting my life. I no your not a doctor so might not be able to answer it but thought I would ask regardless.