Being discharged

alisha22 Online Community Member Posts: 320 Empowering
Hello I have recently been discharged from the cmht. I am still in the position I was when I was with them and taking same medication, I do feel I have been brushed aside as they can focus on people who have severe mental health.
I just need to know when eventually I am reviewed from dwp will me being discharged go against me atall. With chmt behind me I felt I had their support but feel like im going two steps back rather than forward. 

Please advise.


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @alisha22   Pleased to meet you.

    Sorry what has happened.

    I am one of the team of Community Champions.

    Please if I can advise this does happen . I had this myself there are choices and decisions you can make.

    Not happy find another source of help and support.

    I used these three Mental Health Charities offer floating support, benefit advice and well being and health.  Range of services and support with in each one.

    Might not be in all areas you can self refer or speak to your GP.

    Please you are entitled to good mental health. Consider the links as a member with mental health is useful always to find  ways to help, educate and use the knowledge.

    Gained to help you cope.

    Please any questions get in touch I will try to be helpful answer anything.

    I have a lot of knowledge, expertise advise community members on mental health.

    Please take care.


  • alisha22
    alisha22 Online Community Member Posts: 320 Empowering
    Thespiceman thankyou for getting back. I will try to get in touch with other available options for mental health as I know I definitely need some support. I did have a counsellor who rang me once a week, but only allowed so many sessions. This really helped as I was talking.  I also wanted to ask as I do panic when it comes to dwp etc that if I don't have the mental health team behind me they will reconsider my benefits etc (which help alot).

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @alisha22   Thank you for the reply.  I would always look for anything to help you.

    Mental illness health issues if having problems consider as I have stated use any of the charities listed.

    They will do an assessment and see how they can give you the best support.

    Offer a lot benefits if you need some one, they do attend.  

    I can not say what any outcome is regarding your benefits.

    What does help is having some one in your corner being supportive, understanding.

    The whole idea may I stress of any support you receive is to cope and deal with your issues and problems.

    This may take the form of coping methods, strategies methods to techniques to help you make a recovery.

    Using this a reference and guide to maintain your condition. All staff work in conjunction with you agree a plan to help you.

    I know from reading your post I am sure they be able to help.

    Please take care.

  • alisha22
    alisha22 Online Community Member Posts: 320 Empowering
    Thankyou so much again, I will keep you posted of any outcome.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @alisha22, how are you getting on? :)
  • alisha22
    alisha22 Online Community Member Posts: 320 Empowering
    Hello chloe, yes as I said in the post before about being discharged. I do find it difficult as I did find talking to them helpful but now seems like im taking 2 steps backwards. I feel like I have been forgotten about and not cared about and fragile at times. I'm just hoping apart from the chmt I find something that is similar and regular. My gp is on maternity leave and there are different doctors all the time.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @alisha22, sorry for not replying sooner. Just wanted to check in as things are really difficult at the moment! It sounds like you are working so hard and you should be proud of any progress you make. :)