Trying to keep going

Gogo21 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor
Hiya everyone.. I have a various mobility and physical illness which prevents me from working..I use a variety of mobility aids and some days I don't due to being in more pain in upper body.. However my physio and I would like me to follow a plan in which I would be walking for 5 to 15 minutes in fresh air.. Regardless of pain levels..and I can obviously sit down or rest if I need to.. I have no issues trying this as I am in pain regardless.. And I feel it would be beneficial for maintaining my limited mobility, maybe help with my insomnia and my mental health.. However I am on esa and pip and I'm worried about this being held against me.. Even though this might be the only activity I will manage that day.. I'm I paranoid or I'm I right to be worried about this.. X thank you for help or advice 


  • Gogo21
    Gogo21 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor
    Hiya admin.. Can you please delete one these post.. As I accidentally posted 2.. Thank you 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,736 Championing

    Claiming ESA and PIP doesn't mean you're not allowed to do things. Walking for that short period of time shouldn't affect either of those. For PIP it's how you're affected at least 50% of the time. I wouldn't worry about that very short time.
  • Gogo21
    Gogo21 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor
    Thank you.. I know it sounds crazy.. I just want to do some light physical activity (walking and hydrothephy) recommended even though Im in pain.. I'm hoping it will make feel better.. With coping with my chronic illnesses.. Thank you so much for your help and support 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,736 Championing
    You're welcome. It doesn't sound crazy at all. I also have a physical disability and claim PIP and ESA but it doesn't mean i have to stay in bed all day, every day. I hope the activity helps you.
  • Gogo21
    Gogo21 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor
    Yeah.. I've a bit of tricky time of it in the last year.. And before my mobility got bad I'd walk for stress relief.. I obviously not capable of walking for long.. But my physio thinks it would be good for mental and some relief of some of my other symptoms.. Its trying to get a balance.. Thank you so much for your help. X I appreciate it 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hello and welcome, I am glad yu have been advised on your query. I just wanted to add a welcome. It will do you the world of good I am sure to get out and about even if it is just a little stroll and will have both physical and mental benefitd
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,721 Online Community Programme Lead
    A warm welcome to the community @Gogo21. I'm glad Poppy and Janer were able to reassure you. :)
  • Gogo21
    Gogo21 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor
    Thanks @janer1967 I feel I've losts my confidence about getting out and about
    But hopefully I can start to feel like myself a bit more.. Even if its just a small walk
  • Laborador
    Laborador Online Community Member Posts: 20 Contributor
    Hi there, I understand how you feel, I think. I have significantly limited mobility and maintaining what I have is really important to me and my physical health generally. I know that loosing my current ability would make a very unpleasant alteration in my life and part of my concern is of course, the department for workhouses and penury. Managing those feelings of paranoia is as important as keeping what little function I have. I have to remind myself that my function belongs to me, and I can't allow myself to be bullied into giving up. I'm fairly sure, strange as I am, that I'm not alone in feeling a certain degree of pressure or bizarrely, a feeling of compromise in how I manage myself as though it's even possible that I owe the dwp something. (I still haven't had an answer to my assessment that took place in December) You have to keep your function, whatever that is, and it's too important to your 24/7 experience. Good Luck with it!!!   
  • Gogo21
    Gogo21 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor
    Thanks for replying @Laborador Yes there is definitely an element of that.. I feel like a fraud somedays .. Even though I'm in pain and couldn't function in a regular job.. I do question my existence and my role in society.. But I keep reminding I'm worthy.. But its hard.. X
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited March 2020
    Hello @Gogo21 Pleased to meet you.

    Please can I suggest your physio contact Community Health Unit your local County Council.

    Has a Well being Unit with information, advice, guidance.

    Support one to one with you could as well your physio attend.

    Create a fitness programme tailored for you, all free.

    Includes diet, nutrition and the expertise of other staff.

    The correct and right way to be taught to do physical your physio should be telling you this.

    Create a way for you to do exercise safely.

    Tia Chi ones so swimming but also with the well being staff look at other options and anything else.

    Mental health most charities have a wellbeing health support worker again might be worth looking at.

    All offer floating support, benefit and welfare advice information.

    Looking at specific health issues, sleep, meds and other aspects, diet, nutrition.

    I did Understanding Health Part 2 and other qualifications through both Wellbeing Service and Mental health charities.

    After addiction reason why advise the members of the Community useful, informative knowledge to help my self but help every one here.

    Something to look at is diet and nutrition if there are any questions please ask . Do have experience, knowledge, expertise.

    Happy to share .

    Lots of my recipes on here all healthy and keep you looking good.

    One further point always check with your GP before doing any physical exercise or changes in diet or nutrition.

    I am always saying this because you have to do all of this safely.

    Just let you know have fun but remember take it slowly. Be aware of your own abilities.

    Health and Safety all times.

    Please take care.

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    Hi @Gogo21 - I'm pleased your initial query was answered by Poppy. Speaking as someone who has been on both sides of the fence, so to speak, I'll also add a little. I'm a physio, but haven't worked as such for a long time. I'm very grateful for my training as it has helped me maintain my now limited mobility.
    I have a genetic disorder, the hypermobile type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which causes overuse of your joints, which has eventually caused osteoarthrosis of many of my joints. Our family is also affected by a neurological condition (Chiari 1 Malformation), which in my case causes neuropathic pain, which is harder to bear than my joint pain.
    Like yourself, I'm in pain despite what I do, but I do find exercise helpful, without which my joints stiffen up, but also it can be a means to distract yourself, so then you don't feel quite as much pain.
    I use elbow crutches if I go out, which I rarely do, but, altho I can't walk without pain (which occurs the moment I'm upright), my best days are when I can potter in my small garden; weather permitting!
    Any exercise may prove beneficial, & both walking & hydrotherapy sound great; both low impact exercise.
    I hope you can build up your confidence; small steps.... a short walk. Exercise helps release endorphins which reduce your perception of pain, & also help you feel better in yourself. I hope this works out well for you, & would be pleased to know how you get on. My best wishes for your endeavor.

  • Gogo21
    Gogo21 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor
    @chiarieds.. I have eds too.. As well as fibromyalgia and a multitude of Co morbidity condition..your struggles sound like mines.. So it sounds like we are in a similar position.. I need exercise even if it causes pain.. Im learning when enough is enough.. However that can be difficult with EDS.. Thank you so much for reaching out.. It can be hard to explain it to people particularly medical professionals who don't seem to get it.. Although my gp is good.. Even if they don't really understand it.. I feel listened to and believed which I think helps.. X