How worried are you about the Coronavirus?



  • JenCo
    JenCo Online Community Member Posts: 105 Empowering
    If you're not a little bit worried I don't think you've done enough research:

    The above links to daily situation reports from around the world to the WHO. 

    Let's be fair to the non-worriers - sure 80% of those that get it will be mildly inconvenienced for 2 weeks. It's reported by survivors to be immensely painful but they got through alright.

    It's other 20% (of the whole world....) that the 80% needs to be extra vigilant for.

    Saying "I don't care, I'll get and get better" is like saying "I don't care about that 20%, that's not my problem".
    It's literally spread by touch. Not being careful means spreading it around. Others might not be so lucky as you if you're confident you'd recover alright.
    Be careful how you phrase your concerns or lack thereof. Many people are suffering.

    Stay safe all and best of luck!
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,756 Championing
    66Mustang said:
    ...and make sure you have enough toilet rolls.
    Good luck finding any!  I wrongly assumed shops would have been restocked by now and the general public would have relaxed the panic buying, how wrong I was!  

    Tesco was ridiculously busy this morning (I go specifically when it's usually quiet!) and there was absolutely no toilet roll, not even that wafer thin single ply rubbish!!  No antibacterial handwash at all either, and only a few non-antibac handwash.  Almost no frozen veg, very little tea and tissues, and several frozen 'ready meals' (pizzas etc) down to the last one or two.  This is a massive Tesco Extra store that's usually well stocked, honestly never seen anything like it!  

    My worry level has now reached 'very'!!  :o
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    I think the problem is lots of people are now panic buying because a few people started doing so. Only the first wave of panic buyers was due to the corona virus, the rest is simply due to other people panic buying. It is like a domino effect. People are referring to panic buyers as “idiots” but it really is only the first few who started it off, those who follow do it because they see the shelves being emptied by others.

    Maybe they will have to bring back some form of rationing as the public is clearly incapable of just buying what it needs?

    I might make another poll a week or so after this first one to see how people’s attitudes change compared to this one.
  • JenCo
    JenCo Online Community Member Posts: 105 Empowering
    Cressida said:
    @JenCo thank you for this post. Being one of the 20% with compromised immunity this is a very worrying time. I don't think people are aware that this is life-threatening for some of us. 
    Scary times indeed. I'm working from home until further notice and I just found out today a colleague is self-isolating as he has symptoms. How is he passing the time? Reading? Relaxing? Watching TV? No.... the absolute idiot went to the gym! How flipping stupid and inconsiderate can you be!?
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