How worried are you about the Coronavirus?

66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
edited March 2020 in Coffee lounge

How worried are you about the Coronavirus? 28 votes

Not at all
Topkittentommkevin52Adventiumoakridge 5 votes
exdvrApril2018mom[Deleted User]MsbettyboopvikingqueenEricaMcD66MustangLouiseHcookie80anistycazfox77 11 votes
misstraceyOverlyAnxiousBrightsidebecsneuromum4ShaunHMegk 6 votes
popiwavedancerAmi2301gaz1960[Deleted User]JenCo 6 votes


  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Just trying to gauge whether people think it is all hyped up in the news or whether they are really worried about it.

    Thanks for voting.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    edited March 2020
    Very interesting to hear a perspective from someone in your position Cressida - thanks for the post. 
  • Brightsidebecs
    Brightsidebecs Online Community Member Posts: 86 Empowering
    Hi I know @Chloe_Scope did this earlier in the week but some new information has been added about the virus so thought I’d share!

    I hope everyone stays safe and that we can look out for one another and our elderly friends/relatives. 


    One of the community champions here ?
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    edited March 2020
    I didn’t realise this had already been done - I did have a look before posting but couldn’t find anything - sorry!

    woodbine - my attitude is honestly similar to yours. I think eventually we will all be exposed to it so when it happens doesn’t matter - if I get it sooner or later then so be it. I have OCD so I have (too!) good hygiene practise already. Not much else that I can do at this point. 

    As someone who used to have severe contamination OCD, and still has it a little bit, what I find interesting, and slightly frustrating, is how people are suddenly becoming more hygienic when their hygiene standards now should be normal practise, not exceptional behaviour for a situation like this!
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    edited March 2020
    Also @woodbine - I am quite a big follower of the stock market, it is one of my major interests (and one I seem to have gotten mocked for on here). Just want to say congratulations on selling up before this crash. I know that timing the market is incredibly hard so if you did sell when the FTSE was still at 7500, very very well done. It is now at 5,200ish...Today we had the third biggest drop in history - almost 11%...
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,769 Championing
    I'm quite worried at the moment...I have severe health anxiety and contamination OCD as well as an inability to cope with any sort of injury or illness as most on here will be aware of by now.  I'd also guess my immune system is pretty poor given my diet and low food intake.  So far there's only one case of Corona confirmed in my county though.  I'll upgrade the worry level to 'very' when more cases become apparent!

    As I'm always terrified of catching illnesses from other people or being a carrier, this isn't really any different to worrying about colds, flu or Noro over winter for me.  At the moment I'm still more worried about those than Corona!

    However the shortage of handwash and toilet roll is quite worrying, especially given my IBS issues - I don't even understand why people are panic buying loo roll, Corona is a respiratory virus, it doesn't give you the s**ts!  People should be panic buying tissues instead! :D
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    I wasn't very worried until just yesterday. I now think it is very serious.
    There are so many implications ;

    health becoming compromised or even fatal for some sadly

    NHS problems worsening

    school closures affecting parents ability to work

    my carers being unable to come, but I do have my hubby

    supplies of essential foods/meds becoming scarce

    business being financially strapped for cash or even forced to close

    There will be so many others

  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    Not at all
    As with most new viruses the normal "at risk" groups will be at risk, the elderly, the very young and the chronically sick. In my personal opinion the NHS is currently under pressure, at least in part, because of the perennial need to maintain life long after it has any point to it other than to satisfy the neurotic fear of death currently pervading our society. Perhaps the new pressure may open a few eyes to the fact that at some point there is no point maintaining a person who has no life to look forward to. I know everyone will have their own views on this and that's how things should be but maybe those of us who only have misery to look forward to can finally be heard.

    As for the financial panic that always accompanies such apparent disasters as this, then most people should not be worried at all. Anyone facing retirement in the very immediate future should react but everyone else should remember that once the panic is over the recovery should allow any losses in savings or pensions to be recovered and maybe even get a better performance by using the recovering companies stock rise to bolster them. As for "many companies going to the wall".... only small companies or businesses with no future proofing built are at risk in the short period until this panic stops and recovery restarts. Larger companies such as Tesco's have merely switched from shop sales to delivery sales as evidenced by my recent problems in placing an absolutely necessary order.

    People should not be so paranoid about death. We all must die sooner or later and to be frightened of such a natural occurrence has only come about because of fears regarding what comes next. My personal opinion based on the experience of dying twice and being in a coma for 8 days has shown me that nothing comes next, and that when we go we are gone for good. And yet I still wish that I could avoid the misery I am suffering and which will continue to get worse by getting it over with. Every one ofc is entitled to their own opinion on this but I suspect that others in a similar position to me will agree.

    In the words of an old comedy program..... "Don't panic!!!!!!!!"

  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    I’m not fussed. I have not been paying much attention to the newsreports either. So I have no idea of the actual numbers. My mom called to check on me yesterday. But I have a mental list of fun and simulating activities for the kids. I find that it helps me to stay sane. We have plenty of board games and stuff to do at home. 
    This list includes card games, decorating pebbles, and educational activities too. Additionally I have now stocked up on art supplies this afternoon whilst I was in town doing some last minute shopping. And I purchased another cheap box of Kleenex tissues in case to use in public as well. 
  • gaz1960
    gaz1960 Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
    Well,if this is true,I'm screwed!

    At the doctors today for regular 3 months blood test results! 

    Doctor didn't know about this article was published in the Lancet! 

    Advice was,......keep taking the tablets! 
  • LouiseH
    LouiseH Online Community Member Posts: 96 Contributor
    I'm not too worried about myself but more for my elderly parents. I only see them once a week but they are in their 70s and 80s and my dad at 82 has a bad chest. They have even bought these hideous looking masks ? but if it keeps them safe then so be it. They also live in community housing so there are people coming and going and communal areas where they live. 
    They've started wearing gloves when leaving the flat and going into any communal areas. 
    I work in retail and my housemate works with kids so there's opportunities to catch it, right there. 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    I agree, I am more worried for the elderly and vulnerable. My answer of “mildly” is based on myself.

    A family member who was in a medical profession told me if you want to wear a mask then it is only effective for about 15 minutes, then you need to change it for a new one.

    I also heard that wearing gloves is not a good idea as you don’t wash your hands with gloves on, so it just provides a surface for germs to breed. The best thing to do is just wash your hands.

    Obviously everyone gets their own advice and does what makes them feel comfortable, I’m just sharing what I’ve been told myself.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,769 Championing
    There seems to be an awful lot of contact avoidance going on now, with offices, Universities, sports venues etc all closing...  I wonder if benefits assessments and tribunals will be postponed before long...afterall, a lot of people going to them will be vulnerable!
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    My sis and hubby were due to go on a cruise for his 70th at the end of the month. Yesterday they were told the 70+ folk wont be allowed to board ships.

    Then today they we were told it would be cancelled for all.....I think thousands of people are in the same `boat`...or not!

    They have saved and got so excited and counted the sleeps down. Yes, they can take another sometime, but this was so special.

    Looks like covid 19 is in every country now.

    Yes, it will die out eventually, but at what price? People and businesses and jobs will be lost...never to recover.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
     I wonder if benefits assessments and tribunals will be postponed before long...afterall, a lot of people going to them will be vulnerable!

    At this moment in time i know they are still sending out work capability assessment forms because i received one yesterday. Sad really, with so much going on in the world right now that they can still carry on sending those dreaded forms out.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
     I wonder if benefits assessments and tribunals will be postponed before long...afterall, a lot of people going to them will be vulnerable!

    At this moment in time i know they are still sending out work capability assessment forms because i received one yesterday. Sad really, with so much going on in the world right now that they can still carry on sending those dreaded forms out.
    Tribunals are currently still going ahead.

    There are some adjustments to assessments which can be read here: 
    and here:


    For people already claiming support

    Special arrangements will be in place for people in receipt of benefits who cannot attend reassessments or jobcentre appointments because they are required to stay at home or are infected by coronavirus.


    • Claimants who cannot attend a reassessment for Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit will continue to receive their payments while their assessment is rearranged. 
    • People who need to claim ESA or Universal Credit because of coronavirus will not be required to produce a Fit Note.
    • When claimants tell us in good time that they are staying at home or that they have been diagnosed with coronavirus, they will not be sanctioned. We will review their conditionality requirements in their claimant commitment, to ensure they are reasonable. 
    • Claimants who are staying at home as a result of coronavirus will have their mandatory work search and work availability requirements removed to account for a period of sickness. 
  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Online Community Member Posts: 1,273 Trailblazing
    Not at all
    And the panic gets worse meaning really ill people cannot get help.

    I tried calling the 111 service today and couldn't get through. They state that for most people it will be no worse than a heavy cold at worst and yet the delay, despite them asking people to go online first, has risen from 1-3 minutes to 30 minutes. The problem is that too many unintelligent people, selfish people, would rather believe the panic rumors than medical evidence.

    As for small businesses suffering.... only those in the worst of situations are at risk and most will find a way even if it means dropping staff for a little while. However, people overspend so much now that I guess that even a short time with no income will cause problems. There is something to be said for living within your means and not believing the constant loan advertising that now goes on. People have no patience.

  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    it is going to get worse.
    70+ folk will stay home.
    I hope the food delivery people have enough staff etc to cope.

    This is now not panic but serious

    Keep safe everyone xx
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    It’s indeed looking like it’s going to get much worse before it gets better.

    Stay safe everyone and make sure you have enough toilet rolls.
  • kevin52
    kevin52 Online Community Member Posts: 73 Contributor
    Not at all
    A Person Is Found DEAD Every 19 Hours On The Street In The UK , Not A Mention Of them :(  .
    The Humans Nobody Cares About , The Danger With Covid 19 Is It Is Going To Cause A Meltdown
    Of The Human Race , Everythings Closing , Next It Will Be Total Lockdown .
    BBC And All The Others Have The Public So Scared It Will Lead To Riots Over Food ! Pubs Will Close ,
    Shops Will Close , Public Transport Will Close , No Air Travel , No Ships Will Sale , But The Rich Will Be Just Fine .
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