When should it be backdated to?

oakridge Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
edited March 2020 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hope you're all good.
Going by my phone records, I called pip and requested an application 5/11/19. I had my assessment 25/2/20 and received a text stating they had received my report 27/2/20. 
Going by the report I've managed to score 8 points for daily living, so it looks like I'm getting standard if the decision maker agrees. 
After mooching through here it seems I should be backdated to the November date, however after speaking to someone that's recently been through it all, they've started that they didn't receive back pay to the point of first contact. Just wondering which it is, or is it a case of depends where you live or some other crazy reason. Only reason I ask is I've worked it out to be a backpayment of xxx which, will greatly help in me gaining some mobility in the form of a second hand car.
Thanks for bearing with me and your help.


  • Denise11
    Denise11 Online Community Member Posts: 99 Empowering
    Hi Oakridge
    They are messing you around!  Can you call the office and ask them to confirm the date they are going to pay you from?  I would have thought that you would have some back pay but PIP muddles everyone up, so they are the best people to contact.  Please let us know the outcome?  I'll hope it will be backdated for you.  Denise II
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,453 Championing
    HI and welcome.

    Sorry but i don't see DWP messing anyone around here. First time PIP claims are backdated to the date you rang to start your claim. Those transferring from DLA receive no backdated money when transferring to PIP.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hello @oakridge I think your post was misunderstood I read it that DWP haven't actually said they are not backdating YOUR money but that it was someone else that was going through the process and there could have been specific reasons why they didn't qualify for any back pay. 

    As Poppy has advised you are entitled to back pay