Direct payments

Amys11 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited March 2020 in Everyday life
has anyone said what we are suppose to do about direct payments when are PA can’t come to us or we to them. Will they just claw bakc all the hours unspent because of this or let us use them later in the year as extra hours when we are finally allowed out agian. We have been told that we will be stuck indoors for a leat three months when everyone else has only been told a few weeks. I think this is really thrustrating and i wish i could have my PA over but understand why i can’t. I do think they could have done more aobut this as i belong to a load of craft groups and when doing projects need eyes to help me do them. It is really sickening to watch all my sighted friends at these groups posting stuff on line that i have been able to get on a do but i can’t because my eyes is locked up at her own house and i at mine where none of my family are crafters at all. I have no thought about those of us who are deaf blind liek me over when they keep talking aobut keeping in touch by phone or FaceTime. I deaf enough that i can’t hear th phone and instead use text and messenger and mail. I can’t even hear live streamers unless they are recorded at a loud volume so many of the videos people have put on line or events happening using live facebook are sometimes out of reach for me to. Us deaf blind and under lock down they so not thought of at all!!! 
